Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sparkler Candles For Cake

William Paul Young-" Cottage "

There are many religious books, books explaining the principles of faith, the essence of God and its place in human life. There are many books which attempt to answer the questions that many people looking for.
Cottage, however, is one of the better dealing with God, which I read so far, and definitely the best novel.
introduces some basic truths known the Holy Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, however, is not an encyclopedia, in which we find kitchen concepts, which explains and problems that raises.
Cottage is a story of Mackenzie Allen Phillips-a man whose relationship with his father was not enviable. The hero wanting to give their children what he did not experience at home, he spends with them very a lot of time and often takes on the joint tour. During one of them comes to the tragic events-one of the sons of Allen during the canoe begins to sink. My father, a professional lifeguard, successfully goes to his aid, but it turns out that during the rescue operation, in great confusion disappeared Mackenzie-youngest daughter Missy. It turns out she was abducted by the murderer of little girls and killed in a remote hut.
hero is unable to forgive myself that it failed to ensure and blame for any repercussions. In his life entering a period of great sadness, which can extract It's probably just a miracle.
Everything changes drastically when Allen received a letter, which on a bad joke zakrawa

Mackenzie, took some time. I missed you. I'll be in chat this weekend if you want to meet. Tata . [1]

Allen, seeing both in one sentence the word 'dad ' and 'cottage ' was furious. Run, however, an ordinary human being, not giving peace of curiosity, decided to go to the place designated meeting, even if it had been a venue for a final settlement with the murderer of his Missy.

On the spot waiting for him quite a surprise and a weekend spent in the company of ... God.

The book destroys all the stereotypes of his own imagination. Distinctive, original, while breaking a taboo, and very accurately uchwycające God's sense of humor to show the Trinity, will long remain in memory will encourage the reader to reflect on our limited knowledge and perception. Realize how little we know about the Creator and how easy to surprise us, and how easily we buy
stereotypes and imagine that they are the only true and correct version.
The text is interrupted linearity, time ceases to be relevant, it runs contrary. God is God all-powerful, interesting man and his achievements, listening to hip-hop and all other manifestations of human talent and their implementation.

author tries to answer the question asked for centuries about the origin of evil- unde Malum?
It deals with the pain after losing a loved one, pain rooted deeply in the subconscious, flowing back to the experiences of childhood.
hero during his talks with God moves about the nature of freedom. Young gives a beautiful and living examples of true, selfless love, able to make sacrifices. It shows the relationships between beings of the Trinity, and the true face of God's love.
At times it becomes hard reading the fingerprint-stomping hits the ambition to not only the main character, but also any reader who, in dialogue with God can find his attitude to people and the Creator.
author gives the reflection problem of judging, which so easily comes to man.
In the text we know Sofia-personification of divine wisdom, we learn about the reluctance of the Father to the hierarchy.
last few pages, a new look at the words

Ladies Touch my eyes, I see.

Young talks about the advisability of forgiveness. His lack of compares to tighten their hands on someone's neck and attempting to choke.

uploaded book are many, and one of them becomes a phrase repeated many times that God is the great tragedy can bring good, but is not involved in directing them.
Hence it should not have a grudge, it touches us an unimaginable tragedy.

From the opening pages of the book aroused in me a lot of emotion, but the last hundred, was the cause of many tears and many emotions.
long time since I met such a beautiful novel, transferring and reminding so many truths yet known. Is heading, which should be satisfied one-fiction you will cherish it as another representative of the species, what else does it consider the afterlife and metaphysical atheists (?), those who are looking for good books on religion-a remarkable testimony of God and with God.
For those stroniących the topic of spirituality, but it may seem tedious and not very interesting.
For its part, highly recommended. It is a position which will certainly come back repeatedly.
alleged events described actually occurred. Who but me dares to believe?

5 / 6

[1] Cottage, WM. Paul Young, New Fiction, Warsaw 2011, p. 17

Title: Cottage
Author: William Paul Young
Series: ISBN :978-83-7534-056-3
Translation: Anna Reszka
Binding: paperback with flaps Format:
Number of pages: 288
Year: 2011
Retail Price: 29.99 zł

invite you to watch a short spot advertiser's book:


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