Saturday, May 14, 2011

Klucz Produktu Do Littlest Pet Shop

"Elbing 1945. t.II-Pierwyj Gorod" Thomas hardened

In reviewing the second volume of History Elbląg, as with the first part, hard to be objective, because it really about the city that I know very little. My writing is purely subjective, as a layman, I am not able to pick which of the events described actually took place, and which are just a figment of author 's. For this reason I can not say whether the issue of describing the historical events of the book is credible. I suspect so, but as a history textbook would not treat.
Not that the rest is the aim of the author.

In Elbingu 1945. t.II find the same description of the battle for the city. On the pages of the book we meet a person has already learned in Part One, and they will accompany us in understanding the history of Elblag. The whole is constructed in such a way that the reader without any problems will be able to play [more importantly] chronologically all the events that took place between 23 January and 11 February.

On the inside cover you will find the map of Elblag and the surrounding area, but they are so illegible that it is unlikely to help while reading. For a person who does not know the topography of the city can be a little difficult, but I, as a representative of that group, the text przebrnęłam painlessly. Like the first volume, the book is enhanced by graphics Nieczui-Paul Ostrovsky [his other works here] , which improve the aesthetics and readability.

As for similarities to the earlier volume, also found at the end of the annexes in the form of battles fought calendar shortcut to Elblag and biographies of selected Germans.

As for the korektorskich-there were some typos, but only in a slight way hamper reception.
recommend lovers of history, and especially those who already are familiar with the first volume and on which he has had a positive impression.
After reading the two parts, I have quite frankly encourage the understanding of the history of the city, to share in the tragedy of World War II from people like us-having dreams, desires and problems that faced the situation had to go into the background. It is worth spending a few days reading, certainly This day will not be wasted, but rich in new knowledge.

4.5 / 6

for the opportunity to read books and zrecenzowania Thank you Eric and the Institute of the publishing portal Sztukater.

Title: Elbing 1945. Volume II - Gorod Pierwyj
Author: Thomas hardened
Publisher: Oxford University Press ERICA
Release date: 2011
ISBN / EAN: 978-83-62329-16-8
Number of pages: 480
Binding: Soft
Price: about 35 zł

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