Saturday, May 14, 2011

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"John Paul II in the heart of the world" - Angelo Comastri + COMPETITION

Like any significant event, too, and the beatification of John Paul II T-Mobile is an echo of the textbook market. Publishers vied with each other in releasing books into bookstores thematically linked with the figure of the blessed. Spent a lot of biographies, new editions of older works, certificates, and the analysis of the same text of the pope. With a choice of so many totally different positions, is paradoxically more difficult to find something for themselves. What more choice-the more difficult decision. Besides, I feel that books written "for order ", for now, he is chasing the term, because as in this case-will be beatified this is more sales, just make it give in due time - may give rise to resistance and conflicting emotions.
As the Publisher Esprit in the production of publications on issues of religion and spirituality does not raise the least of my concerns, quite the contrary-inspires confidence, I decided to read a book John Paul II in the heart of the world , which is a short yet informative testimony of Cardinal Angelo Comastri.

This text is an attempt to easy to recognize all the most important ideas underlying this pontificate of John Paul II, the attempt to present the figure of Pope from the perspective of the person who took with her a very close contact. It shows the picture of the pope as a man of uncompromising, resolute, holding firmly to the principles, but very open to people and their needs. In a manner very approachable discusses the major pilgrimage and their impact on history, becomes the source of the most famous speeches.
presents human-oriented and seeks to ecumenism, able to apologize, but also with the entire determination to tell the truth, sometimes very painful or uchodzącą in some circles as a taboo.
book is also a reminder of the events of April 2, 2005 and its consequences. Angelo Comastri, in its publications include examples of requests made at the tomb of Pope, when everyone thought him to sit already in heaven. The author paints a picture of a wise man, the man in the fullness of his humanity, a man with an incredible influence on changing human attitudes and thinking of many nations, as well as individuals.
Pierwszomajowe celebrations beatification became only a supplement to, and visible sign of what surely was accomplished long ago. Of what has happened in front of millions of people around the world-the road to sainthood.

items I recommend for those seeking knowledge condensed who want to reach for the reading of which is a surprise, containing many different types of publication-we find here both the certificate and the facts, quotations, excerpts of speeches, fragments of biography, reviews many people who have spiritual contact with the pope was Polish. Finally, we find here a portrait of the true successors of Christ, whose life became an example of living according to God's truths, compromises and not recognizing the end of the set to another person.


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You can thank the book publishing zrecenzowania Esprit.

  • ISBN 978-83-61989-52-3
  • EAN 9788361989523
  • format 130x200 mm
  • Party 160
  • Year 2011 Edition
  • I
  • Binding Paperback


Along with the portal Sztukater co COMPETITION, in which sets of books to win!
invite you to participate, details HERE.


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