Saturday, May 7, 2011

Clipart Effectiveness

Gardowski-The Third bottom "

What is the best way of attracting the attention of the reader and a guaranteed number of people satisfied with the reading? Of course, consult the topoi of classical, proven and critically acclaimed, as well as other recipients of the book.

some time [and more probably since Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (which is surprising since Yet this theme has been used much earlier)] unflagging popularity of books with a touch of thriller and historical Natti, which becomes a leitmotif search owianego mystery, diligently guarded and hidden treasures.
no different going on in the book of Michael Gardowski bottom third.

author takes us on a journey-book start from the 20 events of the twentieth century, which become a background for the action track, which takes place fifty years later.
stage on which events take place is Azerbaijan, which combined with exoticism Polishness on many levels.
main character becomes Muran and Marek Solorz-couple going into an affair with him, not expecting that it will download their consequences. Heroes become participants in the political game between the KGB and the Muslim leaders.
Muran, a doctoral student who was finishing his studies in Warsaw. Its promoter, turns out to be something much more than initially appears, and its impact on the girl's life is not predictable.
same happens with most heroes do not really know who is who and whose side is left, and only the last chapters bring a surprising solution.

book is a real mishmash. It combines the sensation, romance, baśniowość, crime and mystery. Baku Culture and Islamic countries has become an important piece of the puzzle, and the discourse on the differences between the Koran and the Bible leads to reflection.
novel loosely touches the issue of harassment romancing and impact posed by such conduct. The accumulation of ideas, which I did not know in advance will guarantee me one of my favorite things to do while reading-reaching for the dictionary and broaden their horizons.
author has done what a treasure-left many unclosed gates that lead to the exploration for, and influence the recipient to be active, not passive.
novel is full of references to classical works-the place of action is evocative of the Zeromski, will meet in the pages of the book also references to the works of Mickiewicz.

In summary, the bottom third happened to me gripping position and contrary to first impressions in any way demanding. Provided not only entertainment but also reflection and new knowledge.

After the reading I can tell you one thing-I'm glad that did not suggest a description of the cover. This, by the multiplication of names, abbreviations, and the organization has become a tedious book announcement. I do not think his case would be reached for this position, therefore, appeal to The reader is suggestive of the descriptions okładkowymi-this time it is not worth guided, but trust the beautiful, mysterious cover and to reviews, which-so far-urge to buy.
If enough for you, I say that to read this book broke away from preparations for the session and it was really worth it!

4.5 / 6

for making the book publishing Comm Thank you.

Publisher: Comm
Polish edition: 02/2011
Number of pages: 318
Format: 125 x 195 mm
Binding: paperback
ISBN: 9788362518029


My dear, in conjunction with a hot time in college, the number of reviews being added within the next month, will dramatically decrease. Read-read, but less for pleasure and more of an obligation. For this reason I am counting on your and Publishing your understanding and patience.


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