Friday, May 27, 2011

Pregnent Vegina Image

Larry Winget

If I set she found in front of dozens of album covers, and they would decide on my purchase or not an item book by Larry Winget would I skipped a wide berth. Cover Shut up, stop complaining and start living pretend to be ugliest I've ever seen. Can compete with a handful of other, equally unsuccessful robes graphics. Fortunately, no one before me, this situation does not put and besides I could see the cover of an adequate description. Thanks to this book has been rehabilitated, and I could give up reading.

Larry Winget is famous as a Personal Development Coach, extremely charismatic speaker has a guide, in which he shares with readers his reflections on a happy, fulfilled life, and proposes solutions to ensure the success of his
on each plane.

begin with minuses. The author in the preface warns that it can Irritate
and upset, but not interested him what he thinks about it the reader. This sentence is repeated several times in the book
. It was a surgery for me not so much annoying as that makes, I was ready to throw the book at an angle. Because I like it so that the author does not depend on your audience? If it is not on the who / what? After what he writes? Without fear-and this issue Winget moves. Simple matter-for the money. [1] Surprised? Do not be. Similar observations can be found in the pages of the guide very much. Ceniłabym for honesty, if it was permanent and not disposable. One of the most important sciences which pulled out after reading this position is that, as a great influence on the reception the book has the author's relationship to the reader. Winget, although I do not know personally I consider this text as a matter of great hypocrite. He says he does not care for the reader, and a few chapters later obsmarowuje authors who have a similar relationship to the recipient what he is. Honesty? Probably not. rather disrespectful and oversight. Especially since he has repeatedly called into question its earlier findings. With many of the opinions you do not agree with Larry, many of the topics is for me to attempt to impose authorial opinion. In my case, I failed to listen to-rad, but the manipulation did not give up.

That, however, disadvantages to an end. author, although it reproduces a lot of advice that anyone ever heard in a very suggestive encouraged to change. Do not stroking the head of the reader, not comfort, not Jonczy and does not allow this to anyone else. To effectively implement a cover call, using the method 'kick towards a better life. "

I really like the form of book. Although I do not support writing on pages of the novel, with guides is not the case. In the book, Winget designated special places where the reader should write answers to the commands of the author. This makes the position will become not just once przeczytanym guide, but a repository of knowledge about myself and the big book of motivation.

recommend it to all those dissatisfied with their lives, who find that squander the time that I do not know how to be successful and that will never be properly paid. Larry Winget will change your attitude. But be careful and not accept uncritically wszystkiego.

4 / 6
zrecenzowania books you can thank you very much and publishing portal Sztukater IPS.

[1] Larry Winget, shut up, stop complaining and start living, IPS, Warsaw 2011, p. 20

Thursday, May 26, 2011



My dear, I recall the ongoing competition. Left is only 5 days to send notifications. The book is waiting for its new owner:)

also encourage you to use the rebate in Wydawnictwo Znak. More information in the right-hand column of the blog.

Due to lack of time and sinking in the literature needed for exams, the time to read books other ointment was drastically minimized. As a result, the queue position for reading is growing constantly. I present to you 'few' books, which expect to review at the earliest month. Unfortunately, as I wrote a few posts earlier, the frequency of addition will be very small.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rumanian Birthdaywishes

Quo Vadis-Henryk Sienkiewicz

hard to review the classics. My impression is that almost was not proper, because the books permanently inscribed in the canon of Polish literature reviews the care of themselves. There were in it for no reason, have been frequently analyzed by distinguished experts, and hence our confidence in these positions should be obvious. For this reason, this review may differ from the rest-I do not want to force anyone to convince you that the Quo Vadis we can see, I suspect that everyone is already in the view of the preconceived. But I believe that it is not worth as much as needed. Self-respecting reader should be familiar with this position, not only by hearsay. From the classics we can not escape, because it's on them if you want to believe it or not based on all contemporary literature. More or less. Therefore, no imagine that any of those addicted to reading books was not aware of what takes the novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
begin with, that the author is a phenomenon for me. He could write a book where the action took place in the middle ages, modern times, ancient times and each time gave great realities of the era. What's more, he was able to create a multi-volume work, as well as short nowelkę whose meaning hidden in just a few pages. I think it shows the same phenomenon, and his great talent. While reading Some of his books was a torment for me-I admire the author for a perfectly mastered the art of mimesis.

Quo Vadis deals with the history of Lygia and Vinicius, people from two completely different worlds-he is a high-ranking patrician, a hostage, muszących history of the early Christians to cope with the harassment and love blooming in difficult circumstances, love changing and shaping character. This is one of my favorite historical novels, even distant subjects extremely timely. It promotes universal values, and also becomes the source of the Latin vocabulary. The title track comes from the phrase "Quo vadis, Domine?" [Where are you going, Lord?] Spoken by the apostle Peter to Christ.

Publisher Promic released this year on the market some of the most beautiful editions Quo Vadis what I saw. Long brains about why it is two hundred pages longer than my edition of fifty years. This phenomenon, however, threw the blame on the case and stated Glossary In the end, translates Latin phrases that appear in the text. The only problem with the volume of this book is that its back, probably soon be broken, because it is poorly cured. Comparing
promicowskie edition of my home I noticed the change, in terms of punctuation, of which I am very pleased. We know, fifty years is a language very much. Spelling rules are changing very quickly, I am glad that the editors behind them to keep up and pay attention.
Quo Vadis is a must! I recommend!

film on the canvas of the books I love, probably for the music, the phenomenal Michael Fen.:

The same song performed by the choir of Peter Rubik's just giving the climate:

zrecenzowania The possibility of publishing the book thank you very much, and portal Promic Sztukater.

final evaluation
5.5 / 6

ISBN: 978-83-7502-239-1
Format: 136x210 mm, paperback with flaps integrated, s.740

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Vandalise A Roulette Machine

Double-Emma Donoghue

Room is one of the most unusual books that came to me to read in recent times.
Her characters are Jack and his mother.
woman was kidnapped seven years ago and locked in the shed, where every night she was raped by her abductor. Her first child-daughter, died shortly after birth.
with Jack was different. It is with him for five years they have lived in captivity. In Peace, which for him is the whole world, home, and for her cruel imprisonment.
Jack does not know that there is a shed outside world. His only source of knowledge are a few books, TV and mother, who tries to make their life was normal in so far as possible.
boy every night watching the Old Nick, who comes to the cottage to rape his mother.
Once a week, Jack and his mother waiting for Sunday's feast-debauchery. Then also have the right to choose the most needed things for them to purchase Nick.
Female trying to protect children from kidnapper, does not allow him to come near him or even look at him. Every night closes his son in the closet, where they can feel safe.
A few days after boy's fifth birthday, along with Mom, he plans an escape-their only chance at a normal life, after which for them is even more challenging real-life learning, trying to adapt to a world in which the wind blows, the sun is shining, after which other people go. The boy can not believe the stories we have, can not believe that in Outside the find everything that has so far seen only on television and what he read in books.
For both back to reality will be a real challenge ... How did it cope? As for the story to respond to other people?

novel is written from the perspective of the child. This procedure makes an electrifying impression. The reader may współprzeżywać with the boy's school life can get to know his thoughts, doubts. Language in which we see a lot of mistakes, many neologisms characteristic of young children is so evocative that it is impossible to break away from reading.

book is outrageous, each predicted the next page I had to have a lot of self-denial in the mother of Jack, as much for her meant. Although it's just fiction, the author appeared in a masterly way the child's psyche kept in captivity, has made an unusual analysis. The position of this long will not forget, it will be for me a warning and a warning.
This is not a pessimistic novel! It shows how much can be learned despite the adverse conditions, like a great impact on human life is boundless love, to how much courage and dedication is capable of a little child.

recommend! This is one of the best news on the market.

5.5 / 6

for the opportunity to read and I thank zrecenzowania Publishing Sonia Draga.

Original title: Room
Translation: Ewa Blueberry
ISBN: 978-83-7508-337-8
Number of pages: 409
Format: 145 x 205 mm
Binding: Hard

Selling Retirement Annuity In South Africa

Excalibur Bernard Cornwell

Bernard Cornwell is one of the English writers of historical fiction and the thriller, which everyone probably already heard. His books shine triumphs on blogs, and the author is not resting on its laurels, but by another text.

Excalibur, is the third, the last of the volumes Arthurian trilogy about the legendary sword, which has properties that make everyone wanted to come into its possession and its owner-King Arthur. Based on the legend remembers Celtic times, with many books and films, but in recent years it was published Cornwell are the most popular and most read.

trilogy is narrated by Derfel, one of the warriors of King Arthur, deciding to write down his story. History of, say frankly in many places, differing from the well-known.
third volume is a volume of many changes. Lancelot's rebellion is suppressed, and Arthur has to decide on who will build their intentions-the pagan sorcerer Merlin, or still on the Christians. In addition, the Celtic ruler of the state attacking Saxons, Druids and the largest among the states that the Kingdom was abandoned by the gods.
Completion trilogy may very surprise readers familiar with the two previous volumes.

first thing I noticed while reading, language is a complete change compared to the earlier volumes. This follows from the fact that Part III has a different translator than the previous volumes, and hence-completely changing the style. Winter monarch and the enemy of God were kept in the tone of contemporary language, the Excalibur we have already received styling into the Middle Ages. Delicate, yet noticeable. In addition, the text is filled with zdrobnieniami, many do not fit the content and form.

In this book we find many descriptions of battles, victories, defeats. We will witness the death of many well-known from the first two volumes form. Battle scenes are dynamic, Cornwell does not duplicate patterns.

book reads the same breath, the author has an unusual gift for putting the reality of the era. For-fan legend of King Arthur and historical novels, this item will be as found. I suppose however, that others also will find in it something for everyone.
Cornwell is slowly becoming the name of the robiącym a name for himself. So let's find out what is the phenomenon.

4.5 / 6

you the opportunity to read the book I thank Eric and the Institute for the publishing portal Sztukater.

Title: Excalibur [Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur]
Series: Arthurian Trilogy,
Volume III
Author: Bernard Cornwell
Publisher: Oxford University Press Erica
Year: 2011
Pages: 580

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Soles Of Feet Bright Red

Rats-Radoslaw Lemański

to read Rat Radoslaw Lemańskiego encouraged me review a university professor and journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza, where the revelation of a book called "mature literary prose." Such sentences puzzle me, and yet include an alarm, because really-what does it mean that it is mature literary prose? Where should I look for that maturity? The title
Rat y, the two brothers from a poor background, the families of alcoholics, which has always prevailed violence. The narrative begins from the perspective of the hero, who was still in the womb, has participated in the alcoholic binge with her. His adolescence was marked by a lack of love and fight for his place in the world, everywhere, even in an environment like-minded peers. From the little he participated in street fights that became the sole cause of praise from his father. For everything else because the hero of insults and pluck steak true school of life.
not know his name, so I recognize that this is the everyman, the representative of the environment that we are after all still so close.
the end has to fight for her, in every aspect of life. The only oasis of peace was for him a world of books, which once again is immersed. Reading was his shameful secret that he was afraid to reveal to colleagues to not be wyśmianym. The reader is in a work presented as "thin Bolek, misery." On such a character that could more strongly influenced by the fact that, as its role model chose a Pollyanna.
On his way to a better life, he meets many people, including Devotees, which brings it closer to God, my grandfather, who teaches him the true value and makes it feel loved.

everyday hero, however, is determined by its past and the environment in which he lived. Whenever something changes, his life begins to crumble, and he reproduces the diagrams, which he tried to avoid.

book is a story that no matter what we do not give up, that after every fall to get up and fight again. The author instills in the reader hoping that nothing is a foregone conclusion that everyone has the right to fight for change in their lives and that it really can change. Just want and on my way to meet the right people, from whose experience we draw upon.

text is also an excellent study environment of poor people, people living in hostels, not once, and on the pavement. Street language which at times uses the author, full of vulgar and colloquial phrases suggestively reflects the realities of the depicted reality.
author analyzes the human condition, shows a man at any price he wants to fight for his humanity and to stand out from the environment that enslaves him. It is a story about searching for love, respect and understanding.

4.5 / 6

you the opportunity to read a book publisher thank Novae Res.

  • type of literature: Fiction
  • Publisher: Novae Res, 2011
  • Format: -
  • Edition: Second
  • Number of pages: 148
  • ISBN: 978-83-7722-147-1
  • Media: Print

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mom Puts Son Over Her Knee

"Maciejka Natalia Roginska

History of the Carolinas Maciejki a story like many others. Trzydziestosiedmioletnia heroine after her affair with a married her thesis supervisor is not able to arrange one's life. He leads them on a rollicking in terms of sexual activity. Number of casual partners coincides with the number of disappointments. Although the fate cruelly mocks the heroine, her biological clock is doing something completely different-Carolina still seems to be an attractive woman, the more reminiscent of twenty than forty years. Nevertheless, jealousy ustatkowanym colleagues with a group of children, a wonderful husband, dream job.

Carolina, though, that since the affair had passed several years, still with a great fascination for tracking the fate of Matthew, his promoter. In addition, as it turns out with no less enthusiasm followed the experiences of his chrześnicy Nora, read her online blog, and comparing her life with her own.

book in spite of all his humor, irony, which caused on my face uncontrollable smile, is really a bitter assessment of life singielek. Singielek-like stereotypical liberal, but the cruel loneliness lonely, lost, dreaming of a warm family home.
Singielek miss the routine, a regular partner and responsibilities. Miss the stability and security.

Carolina Is life will change? Read on!

Maciejka book is ideal for current-season relaxing, relaxed, light, pleasant and easily understood. It is a book that could become a balm for the souls of readers osaczonych the items with a heavy, clumsy theme for the souls of the readers for a while trying to break away from reality and sink into a fantasy world. Fantasy, but so close.

4 / 6

book reviewed publications courtesy Prószyński i S-ka. Thank you!

Category: Polish literature
ISBN: 978-83-7648-685-7
Release Date: 04/14/2011
Format: 125mm x 195mm
Number of pages: 224

Monday, May 16, 2011

Battered Timber Retaining Wall



Publisher Mark has another surprise for you!
For all you who log in on each side
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password you will need to type in the box displaying a discount when you buy any book from the offer Mark.
Do not miss the opportunity, the promotion is available only for a month!
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Zoophylia Bestiality Blogpot

COMPETITION + writer who hates women John Leake

John Leake'a book is an unusual book. All the more remarkable that, based on facts, based on the true story of Jack Unterweger-Austrian serial killer and ... writer.
I was waiting for her from the moment they see it in the announcements Mark Publishing.

My second, who has pride of place immediately after reading passion is tracking all the information, and of course the publication series of murders. Passion may be quite gruesome, but very educating.

Jack Unterweger This son of prostitutes, the grandson of an alcoholic, utożsamiający every woman dealing with the oldest profession known to mankind with his own Mother. So it justified his first murder, for which in 1976 was sentenced to life imprisonment. But eleven years later, Jack impresses his audience with his autobiographical book Purgatory, through which in 1990 will be released from prison and begins work as a journalist.

Vienna a year later a series of sadistic murders shakes made on prostitutes. Jack showing as a competent, independent journalist versed in the subject, therefore, that his aunt's acting in that capacity was murdered by her last client, and he had in it a great source of information about the environment in which she lived, was admitted to the details of a criminal investigation . Seemed to recognize him in the media in a very suggestive. His knowledge was astounding. Nobody even guessed that he knows so much, because he is wanted by all the killer ...

Jack tricked all-women, the media, the audience, the president. Taught by his double life is the starting point for a story full of twists and turns. Ironically, coinciding with the theatrical release the movie Silence of the Lambs . Unterweger became the Viennese equivalent of Hannibal Lecter. Austrian police, was still not having any experience in catching serial killers gave to effectively deceive the very intelligent criminals.

book became a study of the psyche of a serial killer, killer-sadist and murderer, which formed a dramatic past, but that by his great talent as a writer and media managed to wrap all around your finger. In the end, even the greatest crimes have come to light, and therefore caught the killer and the story itself ends with a dramatic Unterweger ...

Highly recommended! Given this history can not be ignored. It is captivating, outrageous and unexpected.
John Malkovich himself so interested in it that he decided to move it to the scene in the play The Infernal Comedy , you are already coming in June 2011 for Polish . If it this possibility-keen on him choose. Information here.

I am aware that the formula of this review is far from normal, but with this type of reading we bend some schemes, to give heart and encourage you to read. Without describing the content, it would be impossible. Reserve, however, that her knowledge in no way hinder the contrary-will from the outset to effectively analyze the behavior of devious killer.

5.5 / 6

For readers of my blog I have a nice surprise. Publishing was founded by Mark copy writer who hated women for one of you. Just take part in the competition . To win a copy of the address book should along with a note "WRITER" to send a short he created a psychological portrait of a serial killer [imaginary]. The response must include above all: a nickname and its relation to the method of killing. The most interesting and most inventive answer will be rewarded. In case of difficulty in the choice, will select the lucky few, and the machine will do the rest losująca:)
Participants of the competition, please enter information about him on their blogs. Picture for download below:

If you do not have a blog can also take part in the competition.
Submissions welcome to May 31 . The winner will emerge on June 1, Children's Day.

Original title: Enetering Hades. The Double Life of a Serial Killer
Translation: Maria Makuch
Paperback with flaps
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-83-240-1634-1
Year: 2011
Format: 144x205
Number of pages: 392
Publisher: Mark literanova
Retail Price: 37.90 zł

More information about the process on Jack Unterweger, among others at:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Application For License Letter

"John Paul II in the heart of the world" - Angelo Comastri + COMPETITION

Like any significant event, too, and the beatification of John Paul II T-Mobile is an echo of the textbook market. Publishers vied with each other in releasing books into bookstores thematically linked with the figure of the blessed. Spent a lot of biographies, new editions of older works, certificates, and the analysis of the same text of the pope. With a choice of so many totally different positions, is paradoxically more difficult to find something for themselves. What more choice-the more difficult decision. Besides, I feel that books written "for order ", for now, he is chasing the term, because as in this case-will be beatified this is more sales, just make it give in due time - may give rise to resistance and conflicting emotions.
As the Publisher Esprit in the production of publications on issues of religion and spirituality does not raise the least of my concerns, quite the contrary-inspires confidence, I decided to read a book John Paul II in the heart of the world , which is a short yet informative testimony of Cardinal Angelo Comastri.

This text is an attempt to easy to recognize all the most important ideas underlying this pontificate of John Paul II, the attempt to present the figure of Pope from the perspective of the person who took with her a very close contact. It shows the picture of the pope as a man of uncompromising, resolute, holding firmly to the principles, but very open to people and their needs. In a manner very approachable discusses the major pilgrimage and their impact on history, becomes the source of the most famous speeches.
presents human-oriented and seeks to ecumenism, able to apologize, but also with the entire determination to tell the truth, sometimes very painful or uchodzącą in some circles as a taboo.
book is also a reminder of the events of April 2, 2005 and its consequences. Angelo Comastri, in its publications include examples of requests made at the tomb of Pope, when everyone thought him to sit already in heaven. The author paints a picture of a wise man, the man in the fullness of his humanity, a man with an incredible influence on changing human attitudes and thinking of many nations, as well as individuals.
Pierwszomajowe celebrations beatification became only a supplement to, and visible sign of what surely was accomplished long ago. Of what has happened in front of millions of people around the world-the road to sainthood.

items I recommend for those seeking knowledge condensed who want to reach for the reading of which is a surprise, containing many different types of publication-we find here both the certificate and the facts, quotations, excerpts of speeches, fragments of biography, reviews many people who have spiritual contact with the pope was Polish. Finally, we find here a portrait of the true successors of Christ, whose life became an example of living according to God's truths, compromises and not recognizing the end of the set to another person.


5 / 6

You can thank the book publishing zrecenzowania Esprit.

  • ISBN 978-83-61989-52-3
  • EAN 9788361989523
  • format 130x200 mm
  • Party 160
  • Year 2011 Edition
  • I
  • Binding Paperback


Along with the portal Sztukater co COMPETITION, in which sets of books to win!
invite you to participate, details HERE.

Klucz Produktu Do Littlest Pet Shop

"Elbing 1945. t.II-Pierwyj Gorod" Thomas hardened

In reviewing the second volume of History Elbląg, as with the first part, hard to be objective, because it really about the city that I know very little. My writing is purely subjective, as a layman, I am not able to pick which of the events described actually took place, and which are just a figment of author 's. For this reason I can not say whether the issue of describing the historical events of the book is credible. I suspect so, but as a history textbook would not treat.
Not that the rest is the aim of the author.

In Elbingu 1945. t.II find the same description of the battle for the city. On the pages of the book we meet a person has already learned in Part One, and they will accompany us in understanding the history of Elblag. The whole is constructed in such a way that the reader without any problems will be able to play [more importantly] chronologically all the events that took place between 23 January and 11 February.

On the inside cover you will find the map of Elblag and the surrounding area, but they are so illegible that it is unlikely to help while reading. For a person who does not know the topography of the city can be a little difficult, but I, as a representative of that group, the text przebrnęłam painlessly. Like the first volume, the book is enhanced by graphics Nieczui-Paul Ostrovsky [his other works here] , which improve the aesthetics and readability.

As for similarities to the earlier volume, also found at the end of the annexes in the form of battles fought calendar shortcut to Elblag and biographies of selected Germans.

As for the korektorskich-there were some typos, but only in a slight way hamper reception.
recommend lovers of history, and especially those who already are familiar with the first volume and on which he has had a positive impression.
After reading the two parts, I have quite frankly encourage the understanding of the history of the city, to share in the tragedy of World War II from people like us-having dreams, desires and problems that faced the situation had to go into the background. It is worth spending a few days reading, certainly This day will not be wasted, but rich in new knowledge.

4.5 / 6

for the opportunity to read books and zrecenzowania Thank you Eric and the Institute of the publishing portal Sztukater.

Title: Elbing 1945. Volume II - Gorod Pierwyj
Author: Thomas hardened
Publisher: Oxford University Press ERICA
Release date: 2011
ISBN / EAN: 978-83-62329-16-8
Number of pages: 480
Binding: Soft
Price: about 35 zł

The portal Sztukater just done an intense recruitment of editors. So if you like reading books, writing reviews and want to make them available to a broader audience than just visitors to the blog- welcome!
Just go to e-mail address and send a one-trial review, and then along with the administrators:)
Sam I am pleased to be one of the redaktorek and I assure you-the atmosphere is wonderful, friendly people, and each has a Peer receives a unique opportunity for further development!


Over the next few days will be announced the next contest with the publishing house mark. Stay tuned!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Denise Milani Eating Banana

"In the name of the rules," Mark Harny

After a very successful adventure with Mark Harnym, thanks to its unrivaled scribbler, I decided to give myself some time for him once again delves into the world created by the author world.

In the name refers to the principles that I have already mentioned scribbler, whose review can be found here. Although Harny repeatedly used the reference to the earlier volume, I think his ignorance will not be able to disrupt the reception of the novel. It is written in clear enough language, and the story itself is so constructed that it is impossible to get lost in the tangle of references and appeals-many threads is wyjaśnianych on the fly. For what uważniejszych readers, I would recommend, however, become familiar with the earlier Pismakiem , to some extent because it is a brilliant novel, and to some extent because an impatient readers to avoid irritation due to inaccurate knowledge of some substantive facts.
At the outset, it should be noted that the title of the book inspired by a quote from the movie coming Dogs directed Pasikowski. The relevant passage I put below:

His influence on the content is not coincidental-the author refers to him repeatedly, mostly at the level dialogues between the characters.
The novel begins with finding the corpse-known anarchists Stolarek Kinga, which some time previously made a very characteristic picture Adam Bukowski, thereby exposing it in the hands of people that its views were not on hand. In the circle of the main suspects of crimes is, inter alia, the rapist, who a few days ago he found himself at liberty, as well as many "good old" friends Bukowski.
case, however, turns out not to be so simple, for what initially looks like. For the journalist becomes more difficult because it involved in turns out to be his daughter, Agnes.
scribbler to protect his daughter is able to do everything, even risking their own lives.

Author apply 's a lot of pejorative terms clearly showing his attitude to certain persons or organizations,
The book is full of surprising twists and turns, of which at least appears to be a predictable ending.
What? Do not betray Convince yourself and reserve it really worth it!
I noted that I have wondered when I read the previous part:
Adam Bukowski, but fifty, was created in such a way that very often the case I forget about his age. Bed excesses, the more evident in Pismaku , refer more to sexual rozdrganego dwudziestoparolatka than a stately man of 50 This does not, however, no influence on the perception of content.

For scribbler, principles in the name seems to be a little worse in terms of being caught, but definitely deserves attention.
great book minus a correction.
long time since I've seen so many errors of punctuation, stylistic [1] and phraseology [2] . Big oversight, resulting in the book seems to be underdeveloped and not very careful.

4.5 / 6

By Scathach

[1] Harny Mark, In the name of the principles , Publisher Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa 2011, p. 141st
[2] Harny Mark, In the name of the principles , Publisher Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa 2011, p. 149.

For a copy of the publishing house with review Thank you Prószyński i S-ka.

Category: Horror , sensation, detective
ISBN: 978-83-7648-652-9
Release Date: 03/22/2011
Format: 125mm x 195mm
Number of pages: 488

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grandes Culos Gratis Riverside

"Elbing 1945. Discovered memories" Michael Thomas hardened

Since I can remember the story was my passion. Since the early school years was associated with her own future, and even a few months before the final exams I was sure that it was supposed to be a historian. But like everything else, including and interests change.
history remains my passion, but not in whole. My admiration ends in the Middle Ages, from the days of war I'm only interested History of Pearl Harbor
and my hometown.
therefore with great apprehension, but curiosity I joined to read the book and volume Elbing 1945. Before that I looked at page run by the same author, which
largely enriched my adventure with the text, as well as the city of Elblag.
do not know what to expect when the book Thomas stiffened, but whatever it was, the reality surpassed my wildest expectations.
the author did, in my opinion quite difficult, however, fall out great-true events, true stories, relationships, memories and decided to put in a less strictly factual, and more literary. He decided on a form-and-win in my opinion, an extraordinary book. Dialogues, many descriptions of style combined with dates, names of organizations and authentic places, created a text that besides learning and presented the history of the last few months of World War II and the then inhabitants of Elblag is fascinating reading, reminiscent of the stylized novel factual. Initially
annoyed me a fair number of footnotes, but soon I found out how much to contribute content. The author has shown a remarkable knowledge of topographical, each name that occurs once a fortified an appropriate footnote presents a contemporary.
position enrich graphics that remind me of the comic book than this, than from the chronicle, however, significantly affect the aesthetic qualities. Being on this topic is worth mentioning
an excellent cover, which is extremely eye-catching and attention, and the texture seems to be perfect.
At the end of the book the reader will find attachments that are indispensable and invaluable
supplement. They will find a comparative table of ranks in Polish, Russian and German, selection of biographies of the Russians, and a census of German and Polish geographical names and street names. The author also posted at the end of a list of websites that may be helpful in studying the history of Elblag.
thing that I liked most in the book was the fact that present life of ordinary people, their daily lives, their feelings, dreams, desires and aspirations. The authors of historical books often focus on the same facts, forgetting that after all the events were attended by people who are just like everyone else suffered, dreamed of freedom and life without the shackles of war. Here you will find it all-love, expectations, plans unrealized. Everything so very human, and unfortunately, because of the war so far.
book ends at the time, which forces you to reach for the next part, at the time in which the acquisition of Elblag is just beginning. There remains
me nothing but wholeheartedly recommend! Sam's get down to reading Volume II J

5 / 6

For a copy of the Institute recenzencki thank Eric and the publishing portal Sztukater.

I SBN 978-83-62329-0-90
Dimensions: 140 x 205 mm,
Number of pages: 368,
Cover: soft,
Edition: First,
Release Date: November 2010

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Clipart Effectiveness

Gardowski-The Third bottom "

What is the best way of attracting the attention of the reader and a guaranteed number of people satisfied with the reading? Of course, consult the topoi of classical, proven and critically acclaimed, as well as other recipients of the book.

some time [and more probably since Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (which is surprising since Yet this theme has been used much earlier)] unflagging popularity of books with a touch of thriller and historical Natti, which becomes a leitmotif search owianego mystery, diligently guarded and hidden treasures.
no different going on in the book of Michael Gardowski bottom third.

author takes us on a journey-book start from the 20 events of the twentieth century, which become a background for the action track, which takes place fifty years later.
stage on which events take place is Azerbaijan, which combined with exoticism Polishness on many levels.
main character becomes Muran and Marek Solorz-couple going into an affair with him, not expecting that it will download their consequences. Heroes become participants in the political game between the KGB and the Muslim leaders.
Muran, a doctoral student who was finishing his studies in Warsaw. Its promoter, turns out to be something much more than initially appears, and its impact on the girl's life is not predictable.
same happens with most heroes do not really know who is who and whose side is left, and only the last chapters bring a surprising solution.

book is a real mishmash. It combines the sensation, romance, baśniowość, crime and mystery. Baku Culture and Islamic countries has become an important piece of the puzzle, and the discourse on the differences between the Koran and the Bible leads to reflection.
novel loosely touches the issue of harassment romancing and impact posed by such conduct. The accumulation of ideas, which I did not know in advance will guarantee me one of my favorite things to do while reading-reaching for the dictionary and broaden their horizons.
author has done what a treasure-left many unclosed gates that lead to the exploration for, and influence the recipient to be active, not passive.
novel is full of references to classical works-the place of action is evocative of the Zeromski, will meet in the pages of the book also references to the works of Mickiewicz.

In summary, the bottom third happened to me gripping position and contrary to first impressions in any way demanding. Provided not only entertainment but also reflection and new knowledge.

After the reading I can tell you one thing-I'm glad that did not suggest a description of the cover. This, by the multiplication of names, abbreviations, and the organization has become a tedious book announcement. I do not think his case would be reached for this position, therefore, appeal to The reader is suggestive of the descriptions okładkowymi-this time it is not worth guided, but trust the beautiful, mysterious cover and to reviews, which-so far-urge to buy.
If enough for you, I say that to read this book broke away from preparations for the session and it was really worth it!

4.5 / 6

for making the book publishing Comm Thank you.

Publisher: Comm
Polish edition: 02/2011
Number of pages: 318
Format: 125 x 195 mm
Binding: paperback
ISBN: 9788362518029


My dear, in conjunction with a hot time in college, the number of reviews being added within the next month, will dramatically decrease. Read-read, but less for pleasure and more of an obligation. For this reason I am counting on your and Publishing your understanding and patience.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bd Company,ls Magasins

girl of his dreams-Donna Leon

girl of his dreams my first meeting with Donna Leon. Unfortunately, at the beginning, a bit disappointing. About the author heard enough to say that its very name becomes a reputation for subsequent books, it's worth buying it in the dark, because I certainly trust in exchange for waiting for us a good detective novel.
Unfortunately, during the reading did not suffer either of particular tension or sense of fast-moving action. There were no indications that it could become addictive item.
Yes, it reads quickly, but with moderate interest. At times it becomes tedious. There were moments when I started to think about everything, just not about what happened to read. The author is not attracted my attention enough for me to completely immerse in reading.

writer is the creator of a series of Commissioner Guido Brunettim. In his latest book regales us with a story about a hero meeting with Father Antonin, who after the funeral of his mother comes to the Commissioner him with a rather unusual case. He is concerned about the situation known a young man, who according to his observation was beguiled by a fraudster as a preacher giving and exploitative money. During the search for the Commissioner finds that the same opinion, and on Father Antonin raises some concerns. This story, however, begins to lose its importance when Brunetti becomes a witness and participant of the body fish-out channel eleven Romek. To be honest-for me, both topics are not completely linked, and in general do not match. I do not see the links or even the desirability of such a presentation of events.

Donna Leon draws attention to social relationships, human bias, particularly against Roma and the difficult political situation. The text becomes a criticism of the country where the person set and protected by family income can not be prosecuted, even if made with an offense.

not expect a happy ending criminal case, as shown in this book is life, not fiction. Life, which does not always find the perpetrators of equal justice and served his sentence.

For fans of the series about a detective Brunettim-recommend, you'll find something for themselves. The others, however-well-like and I may be weary and discouraged from resorting to other parts. I do not know if I give the author another chance.
The text appears reprehensible misspelling, projecting the whole. I tried to justify "porzondnego" deliberate literary treatment, but it is tempered by the previous statements, so even if it had to be-completely failed. If you do not have-become to be a great oversight.
rating is what it is, I feel that despite everything I pulled it a little.
Own Opinion czytelniczemu leave to your experience.
I can not evaluate the position through the prism of the author's other works. Maybe just as well-did not become unreasonable and excessive attempts to defend her work, I expressed only their scores on reading unit completely removed from the context of the series.

Thank you for the book Oficyna Literature Noir sur Blanc
  • Original title: The Girl of His Dreams
  • Translation: Marek Fedyszak
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 356
  • Format: 120 x 170 mm
  • ISBN: 978-83-7392 -348-5
  • Release Date: March 2011
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