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Peter Pan and former pegeery

confess with shame: Polish prose of the last fifteen years, I have no clue. As a fan fiction I read from cover to cover Sapkowski and Dukaj fascinates me, I play with usually well-read Grzędowicza. This name, which of my worthwhile pierced ears may be that part of the PT. Readers who does not likes this type of prose. All three I know personally. For Lania Sapka after I started doing double murder, the author of "Ice" przegadałem used up half the night (a fascinating discussion that took place in hotel workers), and Jeremiah, he advised me once on the best military boots on the market.
Just in my environment that's not an unusual intimacy. The authors of fiction in the majority come from readers of this literature and experts throughout the Convention in culture, because the fandom conventions, which are important as the length and breadth of Poland several times a month, collect, and after two thousand participants, then a few days we have the opportunity to stay with their idols. Curiosity, or crime, for example, readers are able to organize and collect in a thousand people on the weekend to hold meetings with authors, lectures and competitions, often run by people with scientific titles. Or play your favorite murder. All this is interspersed with evening-night discussions in pogdrupach, where, for example, Joanna Chmielewska invites you to his room at the hotel, and a cash prize recognized magazine launches its readers a few packs of beer ...

Heh, I let your imagination run wild (or maybe not?), But here I write about the latest book, Raphael A. Ziemkiewicz. Author of "Żywiny" also know personally. Contrary to appearances, in his stiff telewizorni Ziemkiewicz (version 1) or contemptuous indifference-(version 2) fortunately has little to Ziemkiewicz relaxed, which is among his own. It reminds me of how we used a pair of my friends, somehow not recognizing the center seating position in the hallway after the holiday season, an individual dressed in black with a guitar novice the stars of the Polish journalism, came to him to borrow a guitar from him. Raphael responded rather suspiciously at the request of B, inquisitive arriving or going to play the guitar. No, whore - K. replied to this - it will pizgać the wall. The answer is unsatisfactory, the next commentator, "the Republic", since we gave the guitar and soon joined our team, by all means the operator of the vocal works of Kazimierz Staszewski (and his father, too).

But again've come to the right elderly digressions. And I just wanted to write that while the names Chwin, Tokarczuk, Masłowska, Shutego know that they are known, in the case of "Żywiny" I reached for reading among other things, because I knew and make Ziemkiewicz SF (partly - not good, paaanie, very bad), and journalistic publications (like "Michnikowszczyznę" and "Time screaming old people"). Ziemkiewicz: Also under the influence of changed my mind and now I find that reading contemporary Polish prose can be, and pleasant, and useful. Pleasant, though frankly I do not think "Żywiny" for making outstanding, and useful, because I realized that it helps you understand yourself, here and now, in Poland the XXI century.

In fact, in reading "Żywiny" prevent the same reading. No trace of the literary pleasures into the novel is completely transparent, content is passed, but does not leave the synapses sentences, which zaryły in memory, or such combination of words that cause after reading light exhilaration. Maybe another note, the main character, a journalist who writes an outline of reportage, slowly expanding into a book, there is great literature, only in writing Radek can squeeze out of myself more than a round, unconsciously remembered from television cliches. And so it is narrated by a little. Nor do they know how to communicate their stories in order, or tell nicely. Oh, the level of soap opera. Except that it is done on purpose.

claim "non-literary language" is even stupider. To put it in general, you must have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow this literature teacher from the "Advancement" Redlińskiego, who put two kids who wrote that "the sun was shining," and Fridays the "sun was bright over the world like a golden velvet dukacik on blue sky" or something like that ...
p Ziemkiewicz iekli to the blog. Do ladies really think the reviewers that I would not know if I wanted to write "Kuczokiem" or "Masłowska" that my sentences are short and concise, because I shall be rich vocabulary to write "nice" rhetorical periods okrąglutkimi pseudogombrowiczowsko broken or "phrase"? umiałby Maybe, maybe not want to answer sarcastically. I have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe great author himself polemizujących with unfavorable reviews. Even if objectively speaking they are right and just is Ziemkiewicz.

possible that could have been different - nicer - trzydziestokilkulatka tell a story, a resident of the capital, comfortably furnished a full-time in the Gazeta You ..."; back in the national daily newspaper of the left-liberal inclination. But he knows no other language than exquisite phrases appear in his newspaper, Rapid-acting Polish intolerance and backwardness, horribly polluted foreign syntax and phrases from advertising, and finally the paper dialogues soap operas such as "M Majewski show at the parsonage on the Common replacement inhabited by the clan."

indeed a pity to talk, because Radek belongs to the "generation obciachu.

embarrassing is the most important contemporary cultural category. Replaced the old-fashioned concept of shame. Shame is a sense of guilt for violation of the legitimate standards. But when the standard itself becomes suspect, in place of shame appears embarrassing says in a column Bronislaw Wildstein, and it can itself be considered for right-wing buca, but this particular statement is not difficult agree. The main character "Żywiny" do not wonder whether good or bad conduct, but draws attention to what they say about him or his friends think circles. That's right: friends, because even in relationships Radek can not bring myself to be honest, to open oneself to love, really. His women are just as calculating and cold, as he is. What counts is class and elegance both in the meetings, as well as separation. Public displays of affection is seen as a mile, as in Japan. Chance wants, our reporter goes on to a Masovian province, to collect materials about the tragic death of an ambitious policy of self-defense. And there he meets up with his voters, and convince yourself how deep is the feeling of rejection. When our hero went to foreign scholarships, they lost their jobs in liquidated pegeerach. He relishes a good whiskey, they enjoy that in their village and opened the discount liquor become less about fifty cents. Here Warszawka, receptions, hype, and in general the Union, sir, the Union, and there's dirt, rage, laziness and exclusion. Abound in the eyes of a polactwo Radek, shouting angrily that it was better under communism, sent messengers to the capital just steal it, then spurned Union, and all that's to be. What will be, that actually they do not know. I guess the money without a job. Order, as before, could amount to something from the plant, because why prywaciarz is to be better. And perhaps most important: to have someone understand, nodded, agreed with. That is why Mr Żywina enjoys a cult Byków and after death - because he was


, here, and certainly in need swojaków would not have left. socialist mentality? At first glance - yes. Orphans crying after Communism, after systems simple and clear: whether you stand or to lie, five thousand to be, a hand hand washes the other. I kombinatorstwo eternal, how can you set up, under whom the hook, how to screw biznesik left, but as it turns out, it just commune survived in good health. First secretary, although there is, but it is the mayor, which although no longer in the back of the Provincial Committee, but in the AWS / Self Defence / PSL / SLD (delete as appropriate) must be, otherwise it wysiudają. Can not be done legally and fairly interest, not letting him someone from the systems in the municipality, county, among local police officers, businessmen and ordinary thugs, he will destroy. Oh, lost a piece of paper at the office, come treasury control, or unknown perpetrators, and kindle a fire just when the end will be insured.

main character learns so that small-town, county Poland, and the more about it with my own eyes, he learns, the more it understands. She rejects him, but also awakens in him compassion for those people who live in a different, poorer reality, which seems to rise only possible for crooks

not wyjebania

, as defined by Żywinę old friends from his cell. Write about it, even not too much you can, because what it is about the coverage, who are interested. while not reaching the Radka that his reality is not so again undefiled. I do not want to be a journalist throughout his life, only planning to screw in the international community of professional repairers of the world who still teach the Turks, and grow into a genuine European democracy, will train tomorrow Ruminów in business, and next week I will fly to India to fight drought . Radek attracted such a life at the expense of the United Nations, UNESCO or someone else, living the most expensive hotels, eating in fine restaurants, traveling around the world, and not in the least prevent him from knowing that it's only a pic of the water utility of such aid

none. In order to achieve their goals, establish new friendships, gives opinions coincide with przedmówcami and generally makes up wherever you can. Can be reached to him, that really is only a less vulgar version of the screw pociotka time in the fictional county hospital? I sincerely doubt it. And here ends with optimism. If only one could hope that in time will die, all those who are mentally stuck in a commune, and with them lost kombinatorstwo, pettiness, cutting off the head to anyone who will issue it above mediocrity, but Radek example shows that it is not. That selflessness and concern for the common good is and will be an aberration, at best, ridiculed, at worst actively suppressed, as it is we, the Poles, one and always the same people, for whom the time to do something good you can, but with whom - ever. The idea and theme, which does not leave Ziemkiewicz-writer, even Ziemkiewicz-publicist devoted to it a few angry books.

why reading "Żywiny" led me to thinking. Spiritual transformation of the protagonist, the ending as using cepa, is exactly what the "Żywinie" does not convince me at all. One can assume that Ziemkiewicz wanted to write a novel about male immaturity, about a guy suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. But what does "immaturity"? This concept implies the existence of something like maturity, which can be reached. However, in an internal change in Radek not believe for a moment. Ziemkiewicz piles on the strength of the psychological improbability, and works as a club at the end, is artificial and unreliable. Radkopodobni longer they are, and just did not want me to believe in their liberation from the constraints of convenience (and mental), how much I hope that's me in such a brick does not change.

not help that, after reading the book, such as last novel Ziemkiewicz trying to embed himself somewhere in the literature of reality created by the author. And damn I can not fit in with all of its paranojami, faults, failures and feelings, because I absolutely can honestly say that I prefer my life, whatever it was, than plastic and bear tags expensive brands duration of the main character Żywiny. And that's why I wrote that I regret missing their readership. I would like to confront novel Ziemkiewicz with other ways in which we see here and now

Polish authors, as they write, which, it is worth checking out how I will go to their prose. If you succeed, you'll write about it.

Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz


ed. World Books, 2008.


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