Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gay Fatyer Son Incest

Likewise, only worse

finally finished "The agents of the country." And, unfortunately, disappointed.

once wrote in his review that there are authors who write all the time one and the same book. There is nothing surprising in this, the same passions, obsessions and fears can be installed in a man quite firmly. I do not give a cut head, but it seems to me that this was the occasion of the novel "All Tomorrow" Gibson, which is discussed for NF. If I remember correctly, I wrote there also that copying his own works of eminent allows you to create a good book.

Actually I could write the same thing and now, with the proviso that "In a country agents" is a novel at best average. It is a pity that after the excellent "The diagnosis pattern" Gibson decided to write the same book again, but worse. We

in "Spook Country" exact carbon copy previously told the story. The main character, or freelance (journalist who once was a rock singer rather than specialist in advertising, but what's the difference) he is studying a new kind of art (virtual installations, and not ultrakrótkrótkometrażowe, dreamlike films, which is irrelevant to the shares) and thus falls to the various agencies who are interested in their secrets for their own ends (the remaining advertising agencies, the author has made for this world of former intelligence agents). Lots of high-techu, be sure the brand manufacturers, decadent artists from Europe and nylon jackets. It's just that "agents in the country," little of this show.

"pattern recognition" moved me, because it is authentic in its search for authenticity. Cayce Pollard tries to find out meanings hidden in emefach, discusses their interpretation, and finally throws in the search for their creator, because they are created, not by design. Exclude the authenticity of the product, says Gibson, and this opposition is the key to understanding the guiding thought "Pattern recognition". Cayce and her friends are emotionally emefami, build a plant from the old ZX-Spectrum or spin documentary films in post-Soviet wilderness, because there is nothing more real than respectable passion. Beyond it is only the design, manufacture and consume products.

The second thing that Gibson's previous book I read at the appropriate moment, because it is a generational novel - about trzydziestolatkach the thirties. Heroes' diagnoses pattern "although somehow managed to arrange in life, they have jobs, careers, but rarely arranged personal matters. It does not matter that the action starts in the U.S., the author managed to portray the universal way of how they can feel the people who had already achieved their plans, but not dreams.

"pattern recognition" eludes beyond lifestyle and sensational story, because what this book important and relevant, comes from beyond the banal story, which she apparently says. It is a pity that the "Spook Country" does not defend in the same way.

Although I read in reviews that Gibson moves about life in America after the attacks of September 11, suspension of rights, surveillance of citizens and related phobias. The title was supposed to cast a climate of fear of being spied, podsłuchiwanym, suspicious Preview to the secret services. If so, critics have read another book. Indeed, the axis action is a conspiracy and kontrspisek, watching watch, the art of conspiracy and misinformation, but I do not really political connotations, as portrayed by the publisher on the back cover. Who wants to see how insane the way this paranoia can leave, let them see the 'interview' with Gene Hackman, filmed in the 70's, shortly after the Watergate scandal.

My impression is that Gibson was going to write again about searching for your place in life. This time the main character the author has made the former rock star who tries to find after the collapse of its popular band. Unfortunately, the author was not able to pull the thread Hollis Henry enough to stir me.

Much more interesting are the passages in which there is Milgrim, addicted to psychotropic polyglot, kidnapped by an unknown organization for its own obscure purposes. But "Spook Country" really saves teenage Tito and his numerous family of Cuban immigrants, inexplicably linked to the DGI and the KGB. Elusive mafia, who lived in the United States under the surface of events, confessing the Cuban variant of voodoo and trained from childhood by the Russians in the art of forgery espionage, smuggling and conspiracy. When Tito goes into action, it opens the door Papa Legba, and directs his arms Ogoun, who has read the trilogy of the String, do not be surprised Gibson's fascination with all the loa. Wplecenie this thread in "Spook Country" simply breathtaking, if I had the misfortune to be a writer, zjadłbym keyboard with envy. What else

. Just as with the previous Gibson to finish "The agents of the country" needed several attempts to read. "Pattern recognition" at some point, however, absorbed me completely, and "Spook Country" from the little I read. Well, let's say that the 50 pages before the end I wanted to see how it ends and what is the intrigue, but the difference is. To make it more fun, read the latest novel by Gibson strongly advised me once her translator. Robert Schmidt gave the "Spook Country" as an example of sloppily written a book about nothing (in the rematch I'll show him the way, how messy it translated.) So far, however, I did not go.

not stop to read the Gibson, it is clear. Not really, I agree with Mark Oramus who once wrote about "Neuromancerze" as a book, which defined the cyberpunk and exhausted at the same time. Significantly, however, that in his later books loner from Vancouver (who once asserted that there is no internet at home), moving away from the fantastic sztafażu, just compare the first and the second trilogy. In "The diagnosis pattern" as an element of fiction from poverty can be regarded as an unusual ability (or disability because she has two pages) Cayce Pollard, in "Spook Country" and ran it. I like it, however, that since "Idoru" (mid-second volume of the trilogy), author of "Lights virtual, "he began to devote more attention to this, how instant access to information, with all its advantages and disadvantages, it will change our lives.

This paradox: when in 1984, Gibson issued a "Neuromancer", raczkowały PCs, Macintosh was being born, and Windows (as a wrapper for MS-DOS) has just been written. The personal computer for the average Smith (Smith I do not ...) - as an ordinary household appliances - still stuck in the marketing area of \u200b\u200bmarket uncertainty. It was not known whether the stop in the toy or gadget, or whether it ever necessary not only to work, but as entertainment, communication with the world, and what else. And at this point there is a guest, fanciful about virtual reality. In some ways, Gibson co-wrote so our IT world, not in the way that he has designed or invented something, but because I read his book sorts of enthusiasts who have worked and over pecetami, and the poppy seeds, and improving the net ...

I was eight years old, and a computer course, yet I did not. It took twenty-five years, as a man wealthy and lazy, reflect on the third purchase of a computer - netbook, this time - because I do not want to tear every day to work barely 3.5 pound Toshiba. But VR in general use as there is, so no. In sum, the glory of Gibson for the fact that at some point began to occupy less spectacular descriptions of flashing red triangles that symbolize had a virus, but more the way in which future society will work computer, with all its blessings and hazards. So I think - and I can only hope - that Gibson did not tell us the last word.

Willaim Gibson's Spook Country

. Agents in the country.

crowd. Robert J. Schmidt. Ed. Książnica 2008.


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