Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Poorly Mixed Protein Powder

Knight, jerk and the whole world of chaos

ashamed to admit: I left the cinema.

first meeting with Bruce Wayne Harvey Dent bored me completely, prompting the seventh yawn me to a concern for my jaw and after those twenty minutes to evacuate the hall. Error? Maybe yes, maybe no, unless you had to watch "Dark Knight" in the evening, at home and alone.

It is very heavy and sad movie. My friend argues that if it was not aware that we are dealing with the comic book, "Dark Knight" with his frightening lack of hope would be unbearable. Viewer as the remains of the backrest in fact accompanied by memory, that we end up dealing with Batman, and that is not happening. But I'm not entirely sure, because in "Dark Knight" frighteningly realistic scenes, such as Batman and his robbery gang on a bank shot in the style of "Fever" by Michael Mann. What's there: The Joker is frighteningly realistic.

paradox? No. Throughout the film I caught up on figuring out how to really look like Hugh Ledger. To severe cholera, only belatedly learned with astonishment that I saw him after the "fearless brothers Grimm! At the grotesque, hysterical, sad Joker makeup is not an actor. Joker stole the movie, Jack Nicholson as the Joker has stolen in the first Batman. The work Burton saw they create character, but good old Jack, in "Dark Knight" Ledger Hugh lost in the role, he created the definitive Joker, who knows, maybe one of the best role in the history of cinema ever. The Joker is terrifying in its tikach, natręctwach, in the consistent madness. I am an emissary

chaos, says the Joker in the most important scene of the film, I do not plan, do not expect, only makes things happen.

This city will belong to me and Batman

, says with satisfaction elsewhere. But this is not the opposition good and evil, but order and chaos. The Joker is unpredictable: one day you may lose the Gotham City, several tons of roses, and the next day to blow up all the kindergartens, and this is different from the mafia. Reminded me to be the latest "Batman" with "Underground circle" Fincher, but the Joker is different from Tyler Durden. The last contests set the system and its operation at the end of something is, after all affected; chaos with subtext, one might say. The Joker is like an empty abyss, ready to expel their most outlandish crimes without reason, without system, without the slightest justification. In The Dark Knight, "at least appears to need Batman. If I understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba director, his intention was to show Bruce Wayne as a character torn between a sense of duty to justice and coercion, and willingness to throw its burden to someone else. Top of Harvey Dent. Here's a new hero of Gotham, Wayne says, here's someone who would challenge the evil with open visor and majesty of the law. Well, the Joker crossed his plans for a comfortable retirement, his war with Batman turns sympathy from the avenger of the city in the mask, and the district attorney makes a monster. For this all nicely summarized in a coda to the dark knight, well from this, if unconvincingly played.

Is actually: wins. Personal digression here: I've used to tie up with a lady, most notably playing the miserable theaters, so I've heard about

winning role. In acting parlance, this means the characters supposedly squeeze everything they can. In this sense, Ledger gave it even more. Is that why you need more sleeping pills and painkillers than he was able to bear? Unfortunately, neither Christian Bale as Batman, or Aaron Eckhart as Dent is not even approached the level of Ledger's acting. It's probably a curse - to play in a movie next to someone who simply sweep. But maybe bad casting? Maggie Gyllenhaal, well, a nice girl from the neighborhood, but neither does not come close to Nicole Kidman or otherwise, Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeiffer. I do not know whether, or even Katie Holmes was not any better in the main female role, but "Batman Begins" I watched his right eye, and I released the left ear, the synapses settled down a little. Interestingly, moreover, that his second Christopher Nolan "Batman" did better than the first, unlike Tim Burton.

What more can I add. I was enchanted by "The Dark Knight" in a few moments visually, ot, even if the faithful Alfred Wayne overlook the huge hall where the Batmobile is parked and stored other toys, and the lights go out behind them in the rhythm of their steps. I might add that Freeman, Caine and Oldman in supporting roles really do not descend below their level. I keep my fingers crossed for that posthumous Oscar for Ledger.

But above all: "The Dark Knight" is one of the best films I've ever seen. Does not fit in the top ten, the twenty maybe I wondered, but in the fifties there is some, and not at the very end.

Dark Knight (The Dark Knight)
Written and directed by Christopher Nolan. USA 2008


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