Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can I Connect A Hard Drive To My Tv

Gibson Reloaded

Somewhere along the way to read "standard diagnoses," I wanted to just throw the book against the wall. Perhaps my only a sophisticated respect for the written word had saved Gibson's role before the projectile; say that this was the apogee of my efforts to niezapoznania the latest novel from Vancouver loner.

At the moment I knew that the "pattern recognition" had enough well. About the book I heard long before they appeared in Poland, although, of course, immediately after its release overseas. Warm-hearted friend of mine working in the Profit and S-which once informed me excitedly that the publisher bought the rights and Gibson is already in the translation. Come on my friend that advertised the "pattern recognition" as a literary event in the United, citing the opinions already, "Washington Post, now the New Yorker. This required even with great effort on his part, was to me to be a lover of Gibson's prose (which is true), although pre- zastrzegał that thing is different from novels and short stories published previously in Poland.

Next, taking me by the expert work of the author of "Neuromancer" (as indeed it is true), Daras asked me to write reviews, and even provided for this purpose so-called brushes, which is printed after the correction, and deposited the other editors. That up I had to write a review for "New Fantasy" and brushes, those were supposed to guarantee that it will not appear like the proverbial mustard after dinner, half a year after the book. On my objection that of this already pisemkiem not cooperate and did not even know who's responsible for journalism now, my companion unfazed promised that powers publishing stand behind me and he will gain as a representative of the wishes that the work is devoted to me for review. So then I started to read.

I was doing but sluggishly. I managed to decipher, moreover, without undue excitement, so somewhere up to 30 pages when the pitiable as a result of the incident, the brush burned. Case reviews thus abated because the second brush my friend obviously did not have. I remember though through the fog that occasion there any celebration in a row that I am alive, but was probably the paragraphs of my noble companion proposal that would send me a file with "pattern recognition" by mail, but this proved to be impossible for the simple reason that regrettable incident has claimed also my computer. Meanwhile, the novel finally appeared in bookstores, but somehow I did not have a great desire to acquire it, the more that I was forced (still am) to complete 90% of my library. However, Mark did not give up, and guided by a mysterious imperative Gibson's just me under some pretext presented.

Subsequent efforts to Wading through the subject of this story were unsuccessful this time, perhaps on page 40 I was ready, as I mentioned, simply throw the book against the wall, but I restrained himself, on reflection, I conclude, however, that more odwiodło me feel guilty - something like a gift, offered to be of pure heart, not quite. I would not otherwise approach the level of my friends, taking place in the event of a match ktoryms volume there, "Harry Potter. " To this day, moreover, such a one poganiaczowi lemurs occur Reply Reply to hum to the tune of chants: Come Potter! Ostrowski, come on Harry Potter! Daaawaj Potteeeeeraaa! But I did not total it. Bravely relying so hearing from the "pattern recognition" I gave him his fiancée, not excluding, moreover, that in an undefined future of the book lend themselves to at least a cursory look at contents. However this opportunity is being taken up scenario, I think, quite clearly decreased when the bride suddenly became ex-fiancee.

novel became the owner of the third and last time ever, when oddawszy profit of some services (it seems that I then corrected translation of Mr. Łozińskim) was authorized to download for no pay in the books. Therefore ordered a variety of positions, then it was revealed that one of them already have. What could I do. Karma, fate, destiny, call it what you like. I took this unfortunate "Pattern recognition". Do I have to explain that reading further I went on DECEMBER?

In his explanation, however, I must state that the new Gibson is not easy reading. Irritated by frequent meticulous descriptions of how characters are dressed. The author consistently and stubbornly worthy of a better cause wades into details about the cut and fabrics, the designers poured names and lists the names of more or less sophisticated boutiques. If a novel is just smoke and drink, of course, once we know the brand of cigarettes, alcohol and other soft drinks. Similarly with all kinds of gadgets. If character uses a computer, it turns out to be just the Mac (specifically the Cube, if someone asks), fall in the novel brand coffee machines, lighters, and so on. The same, of course, applies to all types of accommodations, cafes, restaurants, everything is described, with details of the menu and decor, perhaps only the lack of mailing addresses and phone numbers. A full fledged product placement, a guide to trends and fashions for the post-yuppie. But fortunately this is not about this book.

action with a rather badly. The main character, Cayce Pollard, preferably not wyłaziłaby from the net. Half of the material consists of dialogues exchanged e-mails. Cayce kind of business travels to London to resolve the problem like a professional, but all the free time is spent tracking posts on your favorite forum. Encountered few people really mean to her because they never enter into them in such an intimate relationship, as with friends userami. It is with them can talk frankly and openly, they are real for her, although only two-dimensional friends. So an action can not be, replace it by e-mails and alerts. The book, consisting of digital communications: what a discovery! What formal innovation! Loneliness network, dependent on netu, delete? Fortunately, this is not about this book.

even worse when it comes to the subject of fascination Cayce, her best friend WParkęUbranego forum, we have Anarchy and others. FETISH: EMEFY: FORUM is a place where they meet with experts and enthusiasts emefów, short video clips are playing in the net by an anonymous author. Segments sometimes look at individual studies, sometimes on parts of a larger whole, but they never give a clear indication of the location and time of its inception. Sometimes emefy come down even to one long shot, one camera on the face of the invasion, one gesture, one form. But on the F: E: F clash with the ferocity of hundreds of supporters of interpretation, and proponents of alternative glosatorzy assembly. School kompletystów school fights arguments progressives relying on the French philosophers. The problem is that the author of the novel easy to hail emefy masterpiece, more difficult to convince the reader of the uniqueness of the text. Gibson goes it niesporo, as if he had to prove that the protagonist of his novel is, for example, a mathematical genius. So we learn little about emefach, as they look to make an impression on the audience, and finally - even - as it makes them, but the reader dismisses these efforts shrug. Well, it's probably some emefy ultrakrótkometrażówki art, I expect that such networks can be found plenty (who is willing, let them check.) Fortunately, not the amateur film is this book.

but I can not write that "pattern recognition" is not like Gibson's previous novels, is just the opposite. Certain themes, obsessions, desires, the authors firmly rooted, then crawl out for any occasion. The author of "Neuromancer" is no exception. You can even venture to say that since 1984, Gibson re-writes the same novel, gradually stripping it of further elements sztafażu fantastic. The scenario for "Johnny Mnemonic" I will not mention on purpose, because a fairly direct translation of the novel into the language of the image is not a success, but Gibson's stories - collected from us in volume, nomen omen, "Johnny Mnemonic" - they look almost without exception sketches for novels, exercises certain scenes and characters, which in fact often Gibson sometimes used. However, two complete cycles so far Gibson's novels clearly reveal that the author of this moves in the same range of interests, than changing their focus to a particular novel. Trilogy of String, remember, take the high SI, which are also present in the trilogy, the second, less enclosed fantastic repairs, which did not mean that much worse. The second trilogy operated on the functioning (or rather, disorganization) of the information society. Her second and third parts, "Idoru" and "All Tomorrow" in turn, lead us straight to "The diagnosis pattern." CayceP has the ability, which reproduces the idea of \u200b\u200bappearing for the first time in "Idoru." Cayce is able to say from one perspective to assess whether the logo or mark of reference market success. The title "pattern recognition" is thus the ability to read pozaświadomego the impact of the mark; Cayce Indeed, this can all too well, because some of the logos, hit it with a force hammer. Our heroine is therefore sometimes problems with the transition through an ordinary shopping mall. In "Idoru" and "All jutrach" We had this capacity raised to the nth degree, and the heroes were able to pick up her endowed with the universe of information seemingly unrelated facts and predict on the basis of changing global trends in their chosen field. Thus, further reduction of the fantastic element, this time (almost) to zero. "Pattern recognition" means a temporary retreat, the novel is set in contemporary London, Tokyo and Moscow. And so, Gibson completed his retreat from science fiction.

Despite, however, that we are dealing with a contemporary novel, is not subject to doubt, however, that we are dealing with the author of "Graf Zero." Gibson's heroes of old are free agents, not too much-performing the routine work in a team. Once again, the author offers us a description of all possible pieces of clothing, interior decoration and a variety of gadgets, if they paid him for it. Staying with the clothes, it's nice to note that Gibson is a nylon fetishist, in each novel, the author of "Neuromancer," sooner or later there is a hero or heroine often dressed up in a nylon jacket. More important, moreover, that as in the past at least Gibson's four novels, we find an in-depth analysis of the functioning of the information society, what his first, strictly cyberpunkowymi books the author to some extent helped to shape.

And this way leads the way to understand what is this book, and the recognition - his admiration for the author. Gibson has just crossed the border very difficult to achieve by writers of science fiction and fantasy literature, beyond which no longer have to share the popular and high - it's just good.


Diagnosis pattern "is a story of longing for authenticity, so hard to find in the modern world. The key to Gibson's latest novel leads is through the rejection of all that, what it apparently says. Faced with the plethora of objects that surround us take the desire to commune with something - anything - real, authentic. Exclude the authenticity of the product, seems to say Gibson's mouth heroine, every day, in fact, moving as carefully designed as the new logo, which represents the advertising company for approval. Emefy are created, not designed, and this really is their strength. Damien, a friend of Cayce, turns documentary films in post-Soviet wilderness. Another hero, Wojtek, has painstakingly created art with stareńkich bought the ZX-81 Spectrum, in his spare time helping a friend sell to collectors of archaic mechanical calculators. Nothing is more authentic than an obsession or phobia. Emefy one of its objects, in fact as good as everyone else. For Cayce segments implement the second stage of the opposition between imaginary - created. The heroine of "Reconnaissance model" is able to recognize the power, sometimes too brutal, inherent in a number of seemingly careless strokes brush, but it is not authentic. This May emefy and this is the motivation for so many people around the world, but the curse of the segments. It is here that there is another distinguishing feature unique works of unknown artists are marketing and advertising machine seeks to discover the secret of their power and manipulate it - in their cells. At some point, Cayce realizes that her desire to know the anonymous artist is being used and just started to work for someone who wants to take emefy for personal gain. Although it does not give up attempts to reach out to their creator. Perfect is the scene where Cayce WParkęUbranemu confesses the truth, which, of course, well it understands and supports. They know only from the network, in real life never met, ba, Cayce at some time feel uncomfortable when you must ask WParkęUbranego's name. But they share the only authentic thing in their lives: emefów obsession. Beyond it is only the design, manufacture and consumption of products, so Cayce trying to find in this world as it can: avoid some shopping arcades, strips of clothing labels and goes to Pilates.

And here we come to the problem of finding own identity in a department store. In the early 90s the last century, a philosopher of liberal society likened to a department store concept. We have a twenty-first century, and we only stayed a department store. Ideas gone with age XX. Triumphantly announced the end of history, what the majority has adopted with a certain relief, because I do not have to have the views of it, since they are all bland. What we have left after the death of God, high ideals, honor, unselfish emotions, in crowded cities, the acid rain, but the ladies and the lords of commercials, announcing cakes, puddings and lubricants as the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven? - once rhetorically asked Lem. So is the choice between Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Adidas and Nike, and may sometimes decide where to go on vacation. It's a sad truth that also applies to the characters' Reconnaissance model ": they have no place to escape the Braun coffee makers, gazetkami board the plane and in-room breakfast. Some people even bother elusive impression of taste, touch, the surrounding plastic, and colors that look everywhere as if they were selected by the light of fluorescent tubes ... Everywhere jet lag.

weapons of Cayce, Cayce is not giving up. But it is not just about her novel, she is also about me.

I can not help it: "pattern recognition" is a book for me generation. I do not think Gibson could get to her teen: But this is not the same fears, desires, the sum of experiences. To grow a decent obsession, takes time. Despite all cultural differences to better understand Cayce, than my brother's colleagues. There is trauma (Cayce lost her father in an attack on the WTC), not the standard of living, and finally - jet lag I have the most returning from the convent, not Japan, but However, similar questions. We deal in the world of technology and technicians doing much better than our parents, but we are deprived of the benefits, which would be the ability to perhaps the younger ones, the ability of a carefree life among shelves full of goods. This is not the plea. They have their generational experience and related literature, for us, probably less understood than the transmission of the Sejm. In 10 years someone will write again for us, this novel such as "The Agreement" Elia Kazan, which allows the legs for quite different reasons. What counts, however, here and now, "pattern recognition" and we did. We are more immune to memes, played on the circulation of professionals from advertising, conditioning the mind like a bell Pavlov's dogs, indeed, sometimes we are those professionals. Gibson's last novel, quite naturally addressed to the thirties (age let's not too literally), which says, about people who, although somehow managed to arrange in life, they have jobs, careers, but rarely arranged personal matters. "Pattern recognition" came to me late, with a bitter surprise when I began to see the characters in her self-image. Later I realized also that the tortuous path, which came to the " ... and the same goes to sleep" and closed the book, are perhaps places of fun, but inevitably ran into purpose. Sooner or later I had to read this story. For me, "pattern recognition" is primarily a story about a dream realized. Inevitably accompanies such a dream premonition that all is not yet in order that they remain at something or someone waiting, looking, sometimes not quite knowing what. Rarely, this feeling can be put into words, still less those words we can say to another person, because the unwritten contract states that do not have to explain. CayceP found something else than look for when you began to pursue his obsession with emefów. But most of all - was something of an authentic, own, and shared with friends. This is a great deal. It's comforting and sad at the same time.

Darku, thank you.

William Gibson pattern recognition. crowd. Paul Korombel. Ed. Zysk i S-ka 2004.

(then written for the "other planets", I throw here, in contrast to the "Spook Country")


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