Monday, March 9, 2009

Lily Pulitzer Stylebeach Bag

killers come home

If the caller is many times its soldiers somewhere on the other end of the world, which the U.S. was time for a few training related to this tradition. One of the nice is to encourage children to began to write letters to our boys away from home. Letters can be sent to complete strangers, but I have to remind you that America stands behind the wall. They may also wish for a rapid end of the war and a happy return home. Soldiers sometimes even write off.

Dear Frederic, thank you for your kind letter. But I'm designed to kill the marines, while you seem to confuse me with some popijającym winko communist cocksucker. And although peace probably seems attractive for some bisexual lovers of trees, as you and your parents, I'm bloodthirsty, deadly fighter, and I wake up every morning with a nice, hoping that time comes shredding enemies in the dust and the clash of civilizations. This room is for assholes, Freddy, zajebista only answer is war. Podpisano: kapral Josh Ray Person, Korpus Piechoty Morskiej. Ciekawe, czy ten fragment jest prawdziwy, bo „Generation Kill” jest generalnie oparty na faktach.

Niejaki Evan Wright z miesięcznika „Rolling Stone” miał przyjemność (albo i nie) zdobywać Irak przez kilka tygodni w towarzystwie Pierwszego Batalionu Rozpoznawczego US Marines. Swoje wrażenia opisał w książce, do której prawa natychmiast kupiło HBO. Nakręcony na jej podstawie siedmioodcinkowy serial jest mniej lub bardziej wierną kroniką tamtych dni. Czytając komentarze weteranów tamtej operacji na należałoby uznać, że bardziej wierną.

so had to look something like this: boredom. Waiting in the ass, until the orders come, boredom, inedible grub, sand, dust, dust ii, boredom, stupid orders come, unarmoured horse niewiadomodokąd Hummer, a short skirmish, the euphoria after the fight, then again, boredom. Again, a little shooting and boredom. Iraqis waving their hands, ensuring that he is very happy with the arrival of the Americans. Boredom. A little shooting, accidental casualties among civilians. Inedible joke, boredom, finding a secluded place to masturbate, waiting for orders, sand and boredom ...

Nude Soldiers kill gadkami about everything and anything, repeating over and over again the same bawdy stories, tossing up racist jokes, arguing about favorite bands, brands, cars, and so on. It seems that nothing has changed not only since "Good Soldier Schweik," but from the moment when the rulers of Mesopotamia, one of the army came up out of boredom. Not surprisingly, the adrenaline-packed with a bunch of young people to fight tears.

Even though I walk through the valley I fear no evil for I am the most zajebistym motherfucker in the valley.

Why "Generation Kill"? Well, because just this group of soldiers in this war, the killing comes easily. Research conducted during and just after the Second World War showed that a surprisingly large percentage of the people proved unable to fight. The soldiers could not shoot for a visible enemy, throw themselves at him with a bayonet and bury grenades. But our heroes are not in danger, because they grew up in an age in which aggression and violence are ubiquitous and normal. Killing is normal. On television, in comics, in a computer game. Bloodied body: normal. Death: normal. Shooting for the Iraqis: normal.

authors failed to show in a strange way to show the generation accustomed to killing, but not consisting solely of maniacal killers. Marines fighting on the show with commitment and deadly precision, nailing five of the piles of bodies of enemies, but that does not mean that they would shoot to the right and left of everything that moves. Or at least meet with the condemnation of a few individuals, which makes it a pleasure. Platoon commanders, the commander of the teams sensitize their people to prosper consider whether you really have to deal with the enemy, or just harmless civilians.

ratio turns out to be symptomatic of these soldiers to the Iraqi people. Our heroes are deep in the ass, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, it's important that (a) is the enemy of their country, (b) population in general, welcomed them as liberators. Winning the Iraq piece by piece trying to help civilians, even if the wounds that we inflicted shooting and bombing their country. They can talk about whatever they want, but I believe in the importance of what they do;

still believe, would like to add. They perform the tasks set by the command, no matter how meaningless, with the least loss of its own, to fight so do not hesitate a moment. In addition to her sympathy for the inhabitants of Iraq. What przeczuwają smarter too, that soon thanks for the overthrow of the tyrant pass away, and begins to rage and revenge for the fact that on the occasion of their country was destroyed.


Generation Kill" tells so the second war in Iraq in a sometimes funny, but not hilarious. The Convention does not allow either the series of in-depth look at its characters, nor to reflect on the objectives and reasons for the war. It does not say it, what happened to the main characters, when the conquest changed the occupation and the war with Saddam in a civil war in Iraq. This was, however, be, that's reportage, and with the beginning of Iraqi operations. So there is no room for reflection, where the Americans made a mistake and why the short, several weeks the campaign turned into a long and bloody occupation.

More recently, and shortly after "Generation Kill" I watched another movie, referring to the war in Iraq, which the authors also deliberately opted out of such settlement. "In the Valley of Elah" I saw, frankly, completely by chance. About the film had never heard of, and should, if only because of last year's Oscar nomination.

fully deserved, as nominated in the categories of the leading role of Tommy Lee Jones created the character of extraordinary. Hank Deerfield is a retired policeman, who gave the United States Army and the half life of two sons. Today, already enjoys the pleasures of an old man, a bit of work in the garden, a little at home, runs his own garage. Sometimes talk to her son, stationed in Iraq. One day, however, call the duty officer, not Mike. His unit returned from Iraq a few days ago, but nobody knows where the division is a young Deerfield. So maybe a retired sergeant will know where to find her son, that this has caused you more trouble than it already is?

So the father gets in the car and come, to show photos does not work, just browse the phone contents and personal belongings searched. Mike fell into the ground, at least until when they find his rozkawałkowane and burned corpses.

Creation Tommy Lee Jones is very similar to me his role in "Three funerals Melqiadesa Estrada." There are few actors who so economical, silent ways can play an old man, affected by personal tragedy. If Mike was killed in the war, like his older brother in an accident during practice, with that Hank could not cope. Los soldier, your number is rolled, and - as the Americans call it - you buy the farm. But after Mike returned from Iraq, is in the United States was brutally murdered. His father joins the investigation, trying to discover the truth about her son's death.

lack of "In the Valley of Elah" swift action, chases, gunfights. The investigation involves exploring and comparing laborious detail, painstaking detective work, in which Hank turns out to be surprisingly helpful, yet not forgotten what he had learned from prosecuting soldiers who commit crimes in Saigon. A case is assigned police officer, yet spychanej by colleagues and superiors for the most meaningless tasks, trying to add link responsibilities of single mothers to work detective (played, as usual, great and beautiful Charlize Theron). Emily befriends an old soldier and tries to find the killers of his son. Not only with sympathy, because she also has personal reasons for his determination.

solve the riddle of death Deerfield gradually. First, the investigation is directed towards porachunkom alleged drug-related, because colleagues are reluctant to give Mike that in Iraq - like everyone else - smoking pot. But the facts and evidence are no longer fit together, the circle of suspects is expanding, suspicion begins to fall the comrades in arms. Subsequent discoveries Hank and Emily closer to the truth, while terrible and banal. Mike found himself at the wrong time and place and killed by accident. And if fate rolled just a little differently, he might be a killer.

written and directed "In the Valley of Elah" is Paul Haggis, the double Oscar winner for "Crash." Both films ask the same question: what happens to America? Whither the country in which - briefly speaking - no one no one can agree on a basic form of social communication is violence? And now

: Generation Kill coming home.

It is worth quoting a few statistics. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), manifested itself in about 30% of U.S. soldiers who fought in Vietnam. Among returning from Iraq, the presence of PTSD is estimated at 20-25%. It's frightening statistics. However, it is hardly surprising.

Each pile of stones, garbage, road works or abandoned car could mean an ambush. (...) This increases the anxiety level, which is steadily growing, keeps you in suspense and relentlessly drilling the psyche - writes one of the Polish commanders of PMC in Iraq.

So after a year or two, the guys from the 1st Recon Marines have changed their attitude. Entered into Iraq to kick some ass in the name of the case, he believed, in fact, be just, the joy of the fall of Hussein, they could only confirm that belief. Traveled with relief that they managed to save his own ass. Probably - through automation of reflexes: when a child goes to you before the mask, you have 50% chance that this is a trap. So it does not stop. If the danger is lurking from all directions, shoot in all directions, and then check to fire at someone. A Haggins therefore asks: how to keep at home?

Co. commendable, "Generation Kill" and "In the Valley of Elah" does not fit into any mainstream propaganda. There are neither for or against the intervention in Iraq, they just try to show what this war was and is for America and Americans. At this point one would like to just ask why no one asks about the U.S..

Mission accomplished, decorations and promotions granted, subject closed. Twenty more were killed, many wounded, many times. Who cares it all, hand up.

(Officially given the level of PTSD in PMC Iraq: 1.6%.)

Generation Kill. HBO series, 7 episodes, USA, 2008.

In the Valley of Elah (In the Valley of Elah). Written and directed by Paul Haggis. USA 2007.


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