Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Make Homemade Leg Stretcher

"Kazio and chest full of vampires" - Iwona Czarkowska

Since vampires invaded the market, readership, and the film is impossible to be rid of them.
Now children can also refer to the figures, which proved to be a global phenomenon. Wilga Publishing House has released a book on the market
Kazio and chest full of vampires, whose heroes are Kazio title, Zuzulinda, Fibrycukella, Hingogard, Uncle Dracula, Stas, Basia, Vampire dog and Kazia parents.

Kaziow family moves into a house standing on the edge of town. All through the painter's father, who got the order to carry out renovations. The place where that house is a very meaningful name-vampire.

protagonist, Kazik, while trying to hide from her siblings in the attic, he found an old box, which decided to hide. But it turned out that it represents the transition to another world-the world's family of vampires. There he waited for a real surprise Kazia. Grated image of the vampire has been shaken, and the knowledge of a boy with ZuzulindÄ… became the nucleus of human-wampirskiej friendship.
In a world created by Iwona Czarkowska, a trained journalist, vampires love garlic, do not fear the silver nor suck blood. Instead, you wear in your hair chives, dressed extravagantly, and are very nice.

book, besides providing entertainment, promote universal values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty. It shows bad behavior and urges to change them. All this is cleverly hidden in the story.
symbol of conscience, becomes a grandmother figure Fibrycukelli literate mind.

The great advantage of the book is the artwork. Crimson cover and black and white illustrations inside give it an unusual climate. Soon will be another volume of adventures Kazia, after which the great pleasure to reach for- Kazio school and vampires.

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reviewed book courtesy of publishing and portal Sztukater Wilga. Thank you!

Author: Iwona Czarkowska
Age range: from 6 to 12 years
Publisher: Wilga
Category: Fiction
Cover Type: soft
Number of pages: 80
Format: 21 x 29 cm


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