Thursday, April 14, 2011

Big City Adventure Sydney Australia Registration

Malcolm Gladwell" I'm here with you "Anetta Kolodziejczyk-Rieger

When writing a book review Anetta Kolodziejczyk-Rieger'm broken inside.
For several days I beat your thoughts and wait with her writing, because I'm really not able to find out what happened in this position for me as a colossal problem that was hard to wade through it. Maybe it was a mistake earlier read other reviews that suggested that the book is boring, quite weak. Maybe the problem was the font. I do not know.
I only know that, despite the story that interested me, even though the descriptions of art, something was wrong. Something stood in the way of my good reception.

author has created a remarkable heroine-Ola. It has unique gift-unusual empathy, which makes around you can tell all the people suffering, nay, is able to do anything to help these people, often exposing itself to their hatred. Because if someone on the strength of happiness, without asking for permission, you may carry with them something really good? Is this exactly what we expect?

intrusive goodness for Oli, for her willingness to help all facing its past. As a little girl became a victim of pedophilia by a member his family. She was harassed, suffering, raped. Experienced incestuous "love" was used, and then there was no one who saw her pain and brought help.

only consolation for Ola had a good relationship with his grandmother , but after her death, has experienced another traumatic experience, the father found himself a mistress, her family was shattered, and she was no longer anyone else but pozowanym child the image of being well done parenting her mother and father.
Its Unfulfilled love, jealousy, resentment of men affects relationships with people, Ola can not be relaxed, afraid to touch, afraid of abandonment, betrayal.
For this reason, when her life will be screened to-guy, which is love, which inspires her to a life of woman-Ola is lost. Both are trying to kill the merging of their feelings.

In life heroine of the biggest changes occur due to the mysterious figure, he starts seeing a beautiful blonde-whereby Ola feels better and more beautiful, which is poured into it a handful of optimism. With a unique feel.

As her story ends? Read on;)

I mentioned at the outset that the language spoken by the author which is very vivid, at times very evocative. Some scenes, such as the scene described the operation is so precise that you can hardly refrain from closing the book.
Still, there are caught. In the book we find passages in which the language is very messy-full of oddly constructed sentences and repetition, which greatly affects the reception of the whole.

Despite these minor shortcomings, however, the book is really valuable. A good word to define it is: the original.
cover is captivating, interacts with a really beautiful descriptions, which regales us with the author. Do not know if they are not the real heroes of this book, they would testify to its value, because the same figure Oli-what can I hide-irritating rather than admire, rather reject than attracts.

3.5 / 6

  • Type of Literature: Fiction
  • Publisher: Novae Res, 2010
  • Format: -
  • Edition: First
  • Number of pages: 396
  • ISBN: 978-83 -7722-060-3


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