Friday, April 15, 2011

Is My Candelabra Real Silver

" What he saw the dog, and other adventures "

name Malcolm Gladwell repeatedly obiło my ears, reviews of his books, I met at every step. Although it was not convinced of the reach for a book which is a collection of articles, popular science book. My bad experience with this type of publications echoed around to them.

decided, however, overcome discouragement, publicists give a chance again, and here it is ... I was not disappointed!
Although the approach to reading it took me some time, I had to convince myself that it's worth, at a time when I started to read-is gone.
Nothing was able to tear me away from reading. While initial plans included a reading of one article a day, I ended up on the fact that their daily intake was strongly increased.
begin to regret that, publishing a series of landmark points only met for the first time.

Malcolm Gladwell I was surprised and impressed by the wide range of their knowledge. Write, know-how, anyone can. But to write so that someone wanted to read and write about what people would like to read this unmistakable art, which the author has mastered to perfection.
book is filled with anecdotes, humorous, sometimes ironic. Addresses both issues seem trivial (such as cultural functions slogan "Because you're worth it") and the subjects difficult, controversial, touching on the realm of faith and morals (the problem of birth control pill).
Gladwell is not afraid of anything, his word is entering uncharted territory for the average eater bread, offers adventures that would survive with him, encouraged to explore the world, more interested in things which no one was interested.

book is divided into three main parts. They are:
- geeks, pioneers and other geniuses of smaller size - dealing with people who somehow have revolutionized the world, often bumping into strange ideas.
- Theories, diagnosis, prognosis and - a theory which spins a man of his ways to organize their experiences.
- Personality, character and intelligence - about how important the first contact with someone, this game appearances and defy.

hard to tell me clearly which part was the best-in each of the articles was responding to questions that do not would come to me to ask, as well as those that I asked and the answer was no. Each brought something new, yet complement the other.

I recommend all adventurous people, all inquisitive, searching, inquisitive. This book is for you, you can not miss it.

4.5 / 6

read book courtesy of Mark Publishing point nova


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