Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mount Blade Wedding Dance Indir

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hot Wallpapers Of Denise Milani In Stripping

incommunicado incommunicado ... Work ... Work ... Work incommunicado

F otografĂ­a about painting on wood and wire Hawthorn - 60x60 cm

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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mounted mounted

F otografĂ­a about painting on wood - 60x60 cm

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Korean Movie-cheaters

Federico Fellini

La Strada ( IMDB)
Year: 1954

8 1 / 2 (IMDB )
Year: 1963

Satyricon (IMDB )
Year: 1969

Amarcord ( IMDB )
Year: 1973

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fasting Can You Drink A Cup Of Tea


hands that they loved together and given the most beautiful walking paths.
The smell that filled the air and inspired steps without fear no thorn.
tones that painted the world and all the colors out there:
The course of your skin and face more beautiful than any aurora.

You were my high and my sky.
My laughter and my everything.
And through your eyes was much better to see any world. Anyway

an end: evaporated. Before
air and longing, then fear and pain.

And if I never feel that way?