Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Car Lease Sample Letter

Positioning of multiple phrases

Fragment of a conversation in one of the threads about the decline in Google.
[...] By the way - I noticed recently that even if a site already has a well established there (let's say good) position on a / e phrase is when suddenly we want to get a new phrase and begin to gain new links to it that need to be careful ... On several pages, I noticed that like slightly (the issue of the day, two) have changed the strength (down), linking the new phrase that was reflected in the hiccups on the old (planted) phrases.

Can anyone confirm this or is it just my sick pairing facts?

[...] Remember that the position of the so-called key phrase is also a resultant of various anchortext the links. The more you have, the more rozstrzelonych phrases you need links.

example, figures taken from the mind: Domain

-fraza1 1000 links - top 1

added two phrases
1000 links-fraza1 - top 3 (fall) 1000 links-
fraza2 - top 7

1500 -fraza1 links - top 1
1500-fraza2 links - top 1

no, and removing the links on the improvement of the situation
1500-fraza1 links - 1000 links
drop-fraza1 - decrease

but after some time fraza1 return to his position

skipped all the changes associated with an increment of links to other sites competing for those phrases.

[...] gaining new links to the already planted a phrase, by the way I acquired a new links for the new phrase. As a percentage of the day it looked like this (as in eye):
some 35% of the main phrase
some 35% Second Home phrase
some 18% of the new phrase (when she took niepozycjonowa top2 - I wanted to get up)
the remaining approximately 12% is not positioned and phrases related to the above mentioned (eg poprzestawiane order of words) [...]