Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What Does Meu Amor Mean

skonkursowa Today my party took the 94 position ...
seems to me that, as the debut is not bad (but you need to take into note that this is only the beginning of the competition).

This contest was structured a little me - I started to fight over links, to improve current ...

Since my situation is a little difficult -

My page on Direct Connect (in the footer) is on jportalu and probably would not be too bad if not for the fact that he was standing on a network server, so my address will look something yes: ~ user / blah /
I do not have DNS'ów so the only solution is a free domain name, which will insert my way into the frame (so that I have hindered the case ...).
recently redeemed himself domain (for promotional Razz 12.20 gross) and through service could give us a DNS afraid'a and left afraid'a - specify redirection for your domain (referred to as anything but based on the frame ...)
- I guess I'll have to rozejrzenia for web site hosting companies ... (Here, in turn, says the problem of money ...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Exploitation Movie Stream

Perhaps you met up with the action msnbetter thangoogle. If not, I invite you to contest page.

Action aims to select the most talented of the positioner (or simply largest lucky / spammer - but it will show the next 3.5 months).
action ends on 1 October at 14:00. Party, which at this point will be in first place in the search results for the phrase "msnbetter thangoogle" in the Google search engine, won the first contest of its type in Poland.

For many, this may be an opportunity to test their "strength" to clash with other positioners., And most importantly it is a great opportunity to test Google's search engine , see how it reacts to the action.

Some take it quite seriously, others treat as a new świetną zabawę - formę uatrakcyjnienia czasu.

Ja sam stworzyłem stronę o MSNbetter thanGoogle .
I jako test, i jako sprawdzenie swoich umiejętności.
Zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie. Oczywiście już mogę zadeklarować, że będę się starał (;]) nie używać metod, które są nie fer (spam, cloaking itd...).
Wg mnie najważniejszy jest początek konkursu i samo zakończenie. Wtedy też będzie największa aktywność w Google na frazę msnbetter thangoogle.

Pomysł ciekawy - zobaczymy jak potoczą się sprawy...

Churidar Cutting And Stitching

Welcome people who want to check back here ... Or rather, I invite you to visit:)