Monday, December 26, 2005

Broken Capillaries On Face Toddler

links - links static and dynamic - static links (in English), with a limit number of links, links up on one domain - about 5, the network grows, a lot of the Polish sites. You can choose to three titles at once for a single link and display the percentage spread. currently most effective system! - Polish system of static links! - allows you to quickly stand out in the first place, the best for "older" sites because the number of pages zaindexowanych receive points that can be immediately used for the promotion of a page. You can not add pages without www ( - can be added manually after sending an e-mail, you can not add pages to a directory ( ...) - acc. This is me some problems. - recommend the best "old" sites - as above. You can add a link. - I recommend (in English). You can add a link.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bushnell 1500 And 1600

Submission Tracker - a good program to manage the entries in the English directory - a tool such as showing the future of PR (not to rely too much on it)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Permutationstable Sitting

htaccess wizard

recommend a great online wizard. htaccess file - DOT HTACCESSER available at

Tawnee Stone Cup Size

msnbetter thangoogle contest

Well, unfortunately my site and this board spoadła strongly during my absence on the Internet.
page links all the time gained LV system to give them a few hundred, but you can see it is way too weak. Perhaps
LV itself would help but here is set in a real battle for first place and probably here this fall.
Unfortunately, my time spent on the internet and dedicated to positioning does not extend - on the contrary, unless contact interferes with that miracle with regard to private life ... but that is another story.
Current location: 77: /

Today first page of results shows More than 2 000 links to it leading to what crushes my number of links.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Probation Verify Community Service Hours

Free content for website - PHP Manual

As is well known for google it is important to the volume of web site. You do not need years to build his side adding to their content. Just that used for this purpose already existing information. You can use different types of manuals, the Bible, a copy or copies dmoz'a Wikipedia (except that the latter already is out of circulation).
may well use the php manual to increase the volume of service and also for positioning. Requires only support php. Such

php manual can be used for positioning the web. First
help pages crawled by Google (for example, by adding your site to directories), then you can install Exchange
links (eg Cyberka , Link Vault , DP , Link , LinkujPRO or Linkor ), which will give strength, which we refer to our websites.

Given the very small footprint, it can be to Move to free web servers. Just putting a little adsense can earn. Besides, we can fire up man the
n servers, just change the following to add a little bit of design content

(...) So let's start from the beginning of what should be done:

- Download the zip file -> here
- Lose the contents of the extracted archive to the directory or subdomain on the server.
- Now just change sides, so that there was no "duplicate content". You should try to have the links to your site pages indexed went quick.

Howto Make Football Helmet

SEO tools online Pio

Online SEO Tools Pio

Checking site position in google for specified keywords. Very cool tool to check the position in google. As one of the few (I have not found any other such) online tools is able to check up to 1000 (after the results have not already)

advantages - the possibility to check the 1000 entry! (To end), easy to pain
defects - is not as cool as below ...

Sprawdznie site position in google. You must first get the google API key and then log in and you can enjoy statistics. The tool shows the change in daily weekly and monthly. for each word, we can see the statistics (graph) over time. On the same graph, we can keep track of the competition. For me, this is the best program online for positioning. I recommend!

advantages - Any number of keywords to test, monitor competition, good stats
defects -program searches only 200 results for that phrase. You must have a google API key ...

nicely made tool to show the synonymous phrases. I recommend.



-This tool allows you to compare the two sides in terms of content


interesting tool to analyze the presence of phrases on the page, then scans the first 100 results in google for each phrase found on the website. Is it useful? maybe not really, but you better understand how google when it comes to the importance of the quantity referred to the phrase for the position in google

SandBox TOOL

tool for all those who have a problem with sandbox-I (for me if it was dug up - the simplest way Linking the attack with a program like Linkor or DP). This tool allows
, determine if we started a google malware filter checks in a very simple way of checking our position in several popular (not in Poland), search engines and compares with our position on google for this, the following results of several queries in google, and processed result serves as a point.
The more of them, the more likely that google is not liked for some reason our sites.

Useful tool through which we can track the position of parties in different Datacenters google, we are using to convince you that our alleged first position in google, it is often fallacious and untrue.

Another tool to check our position on google, you can specify up to three phrases, Tool verifies our position in various Datacenters google in yahoo and msn. Overall, a useful tool.

Selling My Retirement Annuity In South Africa

free content on the website - Online Bible

As is well known for google it is important to the volume of web site. You do not need years to build his side adding to their content. Just that used for this purpose already existing information. You can use different types of manuals, the Bible, a copy or copies dmoz'a Wikipedia (except that the latter already is out of circulation).
may well use the bible to a greater volume of service and also for positioning. It is about 1,200 pages of free content, only requires PHP support.

This bible can be used for positioning the web. First
help pages crawled by Google (for example, by adding your site to directories) and then you can install Exchange
links (eg Link Vault , DP , Link , LinkujPRO or Linkor ) which roughly give approximately 5000 links (1000 pages * 5 links on each of the systems ), whose strength we can refer to our websites.

Given the very small footprint script, you can fire him on free web servers. Just putting a little adsense can earn. Besides, we can fire up the script
n servers, just change the following to add a little look little content

(...) So let's start from the beginning of what should be done:

- Download the zip file -> here
- Lose the contents of the extracted archive to the directory or subdomain on the server.
- Now just edit the file 'text.php' <-tu możesz dać reklamy adsense, wyedytować plik 'linki.php'<- tu możemy umieścić kod systemu wymiany linków, nasze linki ... własny system rotacyjny itp.. Teraz wystarczy dodać naszą biblię do religijnych katalogów ze strony (There are several directories of religious conflicts which generate real movement), except of course that should make an effort more about links to other sites indexed pages went quick.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Mario Saliari Online Full

msnbetter thangoogle and decline after the leave. My page
board declined to 40 positions, although obtaining links from Link Vault ...

mesh see if I can pull it.

Home of the DC also dropped some interesting words to me but rather slightly. The page I made for the company from Gdynia, Damara, and which was not in the end they purchased on a spot on the phrase "service pressure", and 8 with the word "Damar". I now their poszantażować: P

Friday, July 8, 2005

Lumbar Injuries Symptoms

Today my party jumped to 25 board's place (in Polish results of course), which proves that it is not have spam, to position the (what a rhyme;]).

wonder if I can "stick" to the top ten ... These pages have the power (I'm talking about links) that do not know if I can get something like this achieves within half a year, let alone in 3 months. Unfortunately

Google shows only a portion of links (the sample) to the page, so you have to support the MSN browser (which for someone accustomed to Google, is not easy;]).

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

How Much Is A Hoof Pick

After several days of jumping in the results (around 35 positions) at the end of today I took 29th place.

the end of the contest still plenty of time so I hope that we climb into first place:)

Contest msnbetter thangoogle rozkręci up - I suspect - for good in the last 2-3 weeks.

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Wishing Happy Birthday To Ex

is the address of my site contest, which today is at 31 place (on Saturday was at 33 but I forgot to write about it.)

It seems to me that it is simply part of the spammer sites fell too, from here the result. Well, but by October 1 was still a little ...

Friday, July 1, 2005

Hollywood Bowling Rubery

not good ... although my site add links decreasing ... is now up to 110 positions in the Polish results ...

Although if you look at it from another site is at 165.000 pages in Polish position 110 is a good result:]

Tests I've just found a tool, however, some twisted is.

Friday ... difficult and tough day for every working man ...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What Does Meu Amor Mean

skonkursowa Today my party took the 94 position ...
seems to me that, as the debut is not bad (but you need to take into note that this is only the beginning of the competition).

This contest was structured a little me - I started to fight over links, to improve current ...

Since my situation is a little difficult -

My page on Direct Connect (in the footer) is on jportalu and probably would not be too bad if not for the fact that he was standing on a network server, so my address will look something yes: ~ user / blah /
I do not have DNS'ów so the only solution is a free domain name, which will insert my way into the frame (so that I have hindered the case ...).
recently redeemed himself domain (for promotional Razz 12.20 gross) and through service could give us a DNS afraid'a and left afraid'a - specify redirection for your domain (referred to as anything but based on the frame ...)
- I guess I'll have to rozejrzenia for web site hosting companies ... (Here, in turn, says the problem of money ...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Exploitation Movie Stream

Perhaps you met up with the action msnbetter thangoogle. If not, I invite you to contest page.

Action aims to select the most talented of the positioner (or simply largest lucky / spammer - but it will show the next 3.5 months).
action ends on 1 October at 14:00. Party, which at this point will be in first place in the search results for the phrase "msnbetter thangoogle" in the Google search engine, won the first contest of its type in Poland.

For many, this may be an opportunity to test their "strength" to clash with other positioners., And most importantly it is a great opportunity to test Google's search engine , see how it reacts to the action.

Some take it quite seriously, others treat as a new świetną zabawę - formę uatrakcyjnienia czasu.

Ja sam stworzyłem stronę o MSNbetter thanGoogle .
I jako test, i jako sprawdzenie swoich umiejętności.
Zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie. Oczywiście już mogę zadeklarować, że będę się starał (;]) nie używać metod, które są nie fer (spam, cloaking itd...).
Wg mnie najważniejszy jest początek konkursu i samo zakończenie. Wtedy też będzie największa aktywność w Google na frazę msnbetter thangoogle.

Pomysł ciekawy - zobaczymy jak potoczą się sprawy...

Churidar Cutting And Stitching

Welcome people who want to check back here ... Or rather, I invite you to visit:)